Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Slytherin



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Just want to get you in my topics :wink:
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Hey Ravenclaw stop spying :laugh:
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    @dawn ohhh noo, nevermind the scale, I hope you're feeling great, the scale will move soon, I'd say just keep switching t up every maybe two weeks until something boosts the weight, maybe the exercises too , your body moght be grettig use to a workout routine so youre not burning as mich?Just stay active! I'm glad you have a good attitude about this though

    @cris glad to have you!

    Failure does not cope with persistence!! Let's keep this thread active and full of support!!
  • Kaldrmjolka
    Kaldrmjolka Posts: 86
    Hoping everyone's having an awesome weekend!
  • Kaldrmjolka
    Kaldrmjolka Posts: 86
    I weighed in yesterday (Friday is my weigh in day, I'll use that throughout the challenge) and I haven't lost any weight in THREE weeks. Or gained. Not even an OUNCE! Four weeks ago, I gained .8.
    The first two weeks I didn't gain/lose, I was at 1450 calories. Then he upped it to 1850 to go to 1lb/week to see if that would change anything. Nope.

    Staying motivated and pushing through is getting really difficult.
    Good luck everyone else!! Can't wait to see how we do!

    Glad to see your staying motivated, you can do this! :D
  • Melk967
    Melk967 Posts: 55 Member
    Sounds like most people have been doing pretty well!! I went a couple days without exercising, but my diet has been pretty good. Even if I go over my calorie count a bit, it still tells me I will lose weight in a few weeks :) And considering I pretty much have done NO exercising for the past year or two, it's a huuuuuuuge accomplishment for me to have worked out for 4 days this past week!!

    Also, kinda random advice...but I've seen some people saying they have a hard time getting pop, other sugary drinks, etc out of their diet. I used to drink pop almost everyday (when I was skinny, ironically haha). I started drinking more water in college because I was always so dehydrated after marching band rehearsals. If you slowly cut out the amount of pop you drink per day (say, go from 3 cans to 2, 2 to 1, etc.), you will soon find that you crave it less. Once in a while I still crave a coke, and I'll treat myself to a nice big cup of it Fridays or some other special day. I also crave flavored drinks sometimes, so I'll drink Diet Snapple to fix that. Snapple isn't exactly super healthy, but since it is tea it is at least somewhat better than pop. Maybe. Hehe.

    Question...When we weigh in tomorrow, do we post our weights here or on the main Harry Potter board?
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Question...When we weigh in tomorrow, do we post our weights here or on the main Harry Potter board?

    You weigh in here. =D
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    Question...When we weigh in tomorrow, do we post our weights here or on the main Harry Potter board?

    You weigh in here. =D

    I'm so anxious for tomorrow :3 I'm so excited and worried. This will be my first time weighing myself since the first time and I have refused to weigh myself but once per week.... ahhhhh! Lol
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi Everyone, I hope the weigh in tomorrow will be good to me but I am not so sure. Last week was a terrific week and I actually lost more weight than I thought I would. This week, I think I may have gained some muscle so it might go up. In addition, was very challenging, while I was able to work out 5 days, my eating habits have been off and not as regular as needed. Hoping to get back on track next week. The good news that I will go a week or two with no change then lose a couple of pounds in one week. We will see what tomorrow brings.
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    How was everyone's week?? Feelings towards your exercise & food ? Vents? Confessions? NSv?

    Remember , were all in this together!! Need more motivation or support?? Voice it:) this is what this thread it about!

    Go slytherin=o)

    P.s I'm thinking for the people that want it we can assign/ pick partners from the group to say what eachother's weekly/saily personal goals are and keep in contact with them to have accountability? ( miles a week/ whatever the group challange is etc.)
    Just a thought:)

    Apparently, A lot of people tend to drop out/ give up early on these threads. I think it'll be a great way to keep everyone here)
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Hi Everyone, I hope the weigh in tomorrow will be good to me but I am not so sure. Last week was a terrific week and I actually lost more weight than I thought I would. This week, I think I may have gained some muscle so it might go up. In addition, was very challenging, while I was able to work out 5 days, my eating habits have been off and not as regular as needed. Hoping to get back on track next week. The good news that I will go a week or two with no change then lose a couple of pounds in one week. We will see what tomorrow brings.

    I am in the exact same boat! I lost two lbs last week, have been on point in the gym, but went out to eat two nights so...pretty nervous about tomorrow. Hopefully I can pull something off for our house.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Hi y'all. Just checkin' in, again. I don't know how often we are supposed to update or just our weigh in once a week. Also, I am confused about where we report our weight. I am thinking that we do it in the spreadsheet.

    Today, I walked/jogged and will get my 8 glasses in.

    Thanks, y'all.
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    i liked the idea raquelphillips10 had bout partners and that. good luck everyone on ur goals and add me if u want...
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Weighing In! - SW: 147.8, CW: 143.6 Weight Lost 4.2lbs
  • CrisUndies
    CrisUndies Posts: 40
    SW : 182.5 CW: 180.4 Woo!
    Right on track :)
    Didn't exercise much this week but I'll be eating better next week and drinking more water!
    Come on Slytherin!!!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Sw 210 cw 207 so down 3 pounds this week. Yay!
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Ok folks, not the house I would have chosen, but here I am, and I am bringing some firepower to this fine school.

    May1: 216.8
    May8: 213.0

    Total: -3.8lbs

    Bring it.


    Read all the books twice, seen the movies. Favorite book is the one where Fred and George raise a ruckus and quit the school.
  • stressd1mom
    stressd1mom Posts: 151 Member
    I am so excited this week! It is the first time my scale has gone down in a month!

    SW: 232.6
    CW: 227.2
    Lost: 5.4 lb!!!!!
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    I'm at 190.0 today for a loss of 1.5 pounds this week! I've logged it on the chart. I lost my weight really early in the week and have been the same weight for the passed 4 days (I weigh in daily) so I should be due for a nice loss sometime early this week.

    I had a rather high calorie BBQ lunch yesterday, but made it up by getting a lot of exercise in and eating a very light supper. Today started out with a high calorie brunch (we eat brunch on Sundays instead of breakfast and lunch) my DH and kids made me my favorite for Mothers Day, so I'll be sure to get plenty of exercise and eat light for the rest of the day. They did make it healthier than it used to be made, by first boiling then using a little olive oil to pan fry & brown my home fries, instead of the old way of deep frying. They also used Laughing Cow light instead of margarine on my toast. It was really an eye opener to log it in and see how high it was calorie wise even with the healthier choices and minus the bacon....really shows me how bad it used to be, made the old way.
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    I started this week at 387.6 and dropped to 386.2. I know I didn't do enough exercise, but things have been crazy busy, so I'm proud that the scale went down some. I'm getting myself back in gear this morning. I did drop a few inches though, so I'm proud of that too.

    I also kinda like the idea of partners. =D Or, like in the books, dorm-mates. There were like five people to each dorm in a House. So that might be cool too.