Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Slytherin



  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Hahah that's so funny! I'd be right next to you mixing up those potions. Good luck on your exam and get right on the exercise train!
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    New member:
    0flynnstone0 - 148 - Slytherin
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    new member:
    lmv88- 124 - Slytherin
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    new member:
    crystal10584 - 176.6
  • crystal10584
    crystal10584 Posts: 334
    new member:
    crystal10584 - 176.6

    Present and ready to kick some butt!
  • So how is everyone doing with the weekly challenge so far? we are half way through the week.. what kind of workouts is everyone doing?

    for me, well i met my water goals, but i ended up getting kinda sick so i've only been able to do walks for my daily work outs..
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    So how is everyone doing with the weekly challenge so far? we are half way through the week.. what kind of workouts is everyone doing?

    for me, well i met my water goals, but i ended up getting kinda sick so i've only been able to do walks for my daily work outs..

    Been doing great! I have probably drank about 15 glasses of water every day this week (trying to flush out a bad lunch from Monday). MWF I do my strength training workout from New Rules of Lifting for Women, Tues and Sat I do a pace/tempo run (interval running), and Thursday I do a slow endurance jog. I normally take Sundays off but for this challenge I'll probably just go for a 30 minute walk with the dogs. =]
  • Did you know???
    Evanna Lynch found out about the auditions for the role of Luna Lovegood after reading a news post on MuggleNet. She has been a long-term fan of the series and the site. She made Luna’s lion hat in HBP and created some of the jewelry worn by Luna in the movies.

    i'll try and post interesting quotes or info everyday. This bit was from mugglenet =)
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    So how is everyone doing with the weekly challenge so far? we are half way through the week.. what kind of workouts is everyone doing?
    Doing well. Water is a non-issue for me - I usually end up drinking about 160oz of water a day. I don't drink anything else though, so it is easy to get a lot of water in.
    For workouts this week...I have done at least 30-45 minutes on the elliptical each day. I did a little strength (some pushups and chest flys and triceps) on Monday and last night I did a TX2 workout. Tonight I have a busy schedule and won't be able to fit in a workout, so I spent my lunch hour taking a very brisk walk.
    The sun is shining today and it is actually warm out - this type of weather combined with the lifestyle changes I have made since joining MFP and I feel like I could fly. Awesome!!
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I think I am rocking the challenge! I did 47 minutes of interval training on the elliptical yesterday. I also drank 10 glasses of water. today I am aiming for 12 to 14 and will probably do some turbo jam later since I can't make it to the gym due to my hubby going to church tonight. (I stay home with my son on Wednesday evenings and we go as a family on Sunday mornings.)
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    Me too. He has and always will be my favorite and it makes me angry what she did to him in the end. I would have gladly traded in Ron and several other of the Weasley clan and Harry too (after he beat Voldy of course) if only he could have lived!

    Exactly! I am the same way. I would have traded in Hermione first (the movie version of that character is sooooooo irritating/the book version isn't too bad)

    I know, movie!Hermione is quite annoying, but I can identify with Book!Hermione. I love reading and learning new things. I seriously think if she wasn't a muggle-born she would have been sorted into Slytherin. She came up with some really sneaky ideas!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    So how is everyone doing with the weekly challenge so far? we are half way through the week.. what kind of workouts is everyone doing?

    for me, well i met my water goals, but i ended up getting kinda sick so i've only been able to do walks for my daily work outs..

    I have been doing pretty good! The water is usually not too much of an issue and I haven't missed a day of workout. I am doing the 30 Day Shred almost everyday plus running or other cardio every other. I love the energy that comes with this lifestyle change!! Weighed in at the Dr today...you all are gonna love my contribution to the team this week, I can tell! (Not to toot my own horn or anything :wink:
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great week!! Today I did 4 miles with the dog, I'm about to do abs and arms with Chris freytags 10 lb slim down (free ondemand!) after dinner, so thatl be another hour.. Water intake is great, I usually chug 3 glasses of water right before the next meal, helps me get full:)

    Is anyone interested in doing weekly challenges? Like 15 miles a week to start with?and no eating after 9pm? Something loke that.. But i guess itll be discussed Sunday.I think we can all really help motivate eachother, the weather is getting perfect:)

    I'm excited to get to know all my fellow slytherins, gosh I just love harry potter!

  • Fiorentina
    Fiorentina Posts: 9
    I just joined two days ago (I think) but I mostly log in from my phone so I'll probably post in the evenings. Just an intro - I'm a 43 yr. old mother of 2, and I'm in pretty good shape. I like MFP because I like to track my nutrients and because it keeps me on track with my snacking! I would munch all day if I could, and skip regular meals. LOL

    Anyhoo... I hope this challenge will get me to workout more (I do Pilates once a week, lots of gardening now the spring is here, and I try to speed walk/jog a few days a week too), and to stick to my calorie goal.

    I hope to get to know my fellow Slytherins - and to show everyone we're not ALL bad!! :tongue:
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    I loooooooove Evanna Lynch. I think she's an AWESOME Luna. But, that's beside the point.

    As far as the challenge goes, water isn't an issue with me because its all I drink anymore. I usually get 12-14 glasses of water in a day, but there are some times when I feel like I'm water logged. I have a Nalgene bottle, so I just feel refilling it all day long.

    Activity-wise, I do Couch to 5K, The Biggest Loser DVDs the Biggest Loser - Ultimate Workout game, Dance Central on Xbox Kinect, and lots of walking all throughout the week. I'm trying to get used to as much activity as possible.

    Hope other Slythies are having a good week. =D
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Had a really great day today! Went to zumba and drank 90 oz of water and counting.
  • lovezumba
    lovezumba Posts: 26
    First things first. I average about 8-10 glasses of water each day.

    As for exercising I have been walking anywhere from 3-5 miles everyday or every other day!
    I do at minimum of 45 minutes of Zumba each day. (I have the dvds and the wii game)
    Also, as a warm up I do the Just Dance 2 for the Wii.

    As for my favorite Slytherin character, hmm, I am not really sure. If I had to say anyone particular person, It would be Draco Malfoy. Only because I met him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He came to Waddington, NY fishing I live 10 minutes from there and happened to be fishing there at the same time that he was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    I am doing good, i am off tomorrow so i get to workout good.. how is everyone else?? i wanted to kno how everyone is getting the slytherin pic i wanted one.. GO SLYTHERIN we r gonna kick butt.
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    Hey fellow Slytherins!!! ^_^ glad to see a lot of you sporting our logo and trying to win this competition! I am trying hard myself to get Slytherin to the top! I had worked out everyday for 3 days straight now. Day 1 was 45 mins of elliptical, small break followed by 50 more mins of elliptical, day 2 was 45 mins of elliptical (my legs were dying already) follwed by 30 mins of stationary bike, day 3 (today) was 45 mins of elliptical and 35 bike as well as my work which was 8 hours of which I had to walk AT LEAST half of. ^_^ I have been under my max cal intake each day and am trugging forward for us Slytherins cause we rock the other house's socks off! Go guys!
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    I am doing good, i am off tomorrow so i get to workout good.. how is everyone else?? i wanted to kno how everyone is getting the slytherin pic i wanted one.. GO SLYTHERIN we r gonna kick butt.

    Ok so here is what you do, with NO spaces, in your signature you will put:

    [ i m g ]http://images.wikia.com/harrypotter/images/7/70/Slytherincrest.jpg[ / i m g ]

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