Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Slytherin



  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    Okay, I weigh in this morning not expecting much. Since coming back from my vacation I'm just craving food like crazy! I can get my body to adjust to 1200 cals again. Still, I didn't go over by much. I think just getting my water in is doing the trick. My weight this morning was 208!!! Yeah! That actually was my HP goal so I'm happy, happy, happy. I,m back on track and on my way to onderland after this. Need to find another challenge so I can add my new goal. 208 was my first 10% weight loss. Now on the way to 5% more before school starts!

    Going to see HP tonight at midnight. I wish I didn't have to go to work today so I can rest. Oh well, this old body can make it.

  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    Well, still no weight loss - been holding at the same weight for the last few weeks. But, I have dropped a percent of bodyfat, so something is happening. Increasing strength and dropping fat, hopefully! That doesn't help for this challenge, though. Sorry about that! I am still two pounds over my HP goal weight but I feel good about where I am today.
  • laurabeerotten
    Congrats to both of you! Victories come in a multitude of ways and we were very lucky to have you on our side.

    I weighed in this morning at 234.0 pounds. This is minus 2.4 from Sunday, meaning I've lost 48.0 pounds overall and 11.4 pounds over the course of the challenge. I'm still 4 pounds away from the goal I set myself, but in the grand scheme of things, four pounds is so small.

    Going to see Harry with my mom at midnight, in glorious 2D. BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER! I can't wait!

    Good luck to everyone, and be sure to check back here to see how we did in the challenge overall!
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    My weight is still the same as it was Tuesday. I'm super happy about that though because I'm at my HP goal weight. I had a great time with this challenge! I can't wait till tomorrow night to see the movie w00t w00t! Congratulations to everyone no matter if they hit their goal or not, even 1 pound loss is a step in the right direction.
  • laurabeerotten
    Uno's final quote on the main page, copying because I LOVE it:
    "you'll stay with me ?"
    "until the very end," said james.
    "they won't be able to see you ?" asked harry.
    "we are part of you," said sirius. "invisible to anyone else."
    ...harry looked at his mother.
    "stay close to me," he said quietly.
    - harry potter and the deathly hallows
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    lost 2 pounds! I finally broke the three week plateau! woo hoo! I wish I could go see the movie tonight but I have no money and I want to see it when it has been out for a week so I can ENJOY it because I won't get to see it again. (I am poor, I have no money) I don't remember what my goal was for the challenge, but I am glad that I lost what I did in such a short period of time. For me that is great in and of itself.
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    Uno's final quote on the main page, copying because I LOVE it:
    "you'll stay with me ?"
    "until the very end," said james.
    "they won't be able to see you ?" asked harry.
    "we are part of you," said sirius. "invisible to anyone else."
    ...harry looked at his mother.
    "stay close to me," he said quietly.
    - harry potter and the deathly hallows
    I am such a geek. That totally made me tear up. *sniff*
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    it made me tear up too arwen
  • laurabeerotten
    Me too. I can't read that part of DH without bawling like an infant!
  • laurabeerotten
    No spoilers, but... the movie was everything that I had hoped for and more. Best birthday present EVER!

    We're still missing weights from:

    Deathismygift (3rd weigh-in missed)
    raquelphillips10 (2nd missed)
    tink739 (2nd missed)

    I hope that they've just forgotten about the unusual weigh-in day! If I weren't HOH I probably would've forgotten too! They want the weights on the main board ASAP.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Sorry I thought I did this yesterday. My weight was 220. No change.
  • laurabeerotten
    We had a final weigh in percentage of 0.27%. We had just 10 members make it until the bitter end (props to those of you who stuck around!) We lost 108.6 pounds, which was 5.0778% of our starting weight.

    Ravenclaw is the only other house reporting final results and they ended with 20 members and a final percentage of 5.9%. Even though we didn't win the House Cup, our small but mighty house kicked butt!
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I was on vacation for the past 2 weeks. It's no excuse not to weigh in and for that I apologize. Congrats to those who made it to the end. And congratulations to Ravenclaw.