Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Slytherin



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey all - I'm horrible at posting on here, but I'm down 1.8 lbs :)

    lcoulter - I saw your numbers on the chart - you're kicking *kitten*! Along with some other fabulous ladies on here!
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    Just got my weigh-in posted to the spreadsheet, sorry I didn't get on the computer yesterday at all. Lost one pound this week :-)
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    And edit on my previous post, I noticed the scale was not zeroed so I reset it this morning... 10 lbs down since two weeks ago! Almost to the 30lb mark! YAY! I am already WAY past where I had planned on being... 10 lbs ahead and still a month to go before HP comes out! (I planned on being 214 by HP release and already am at 205)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Uuuugh I'm so bad at posting on Sunday and I never remember until Monday! Soooo here I am, and the spreadsheet is blocked at work.

    I am down to 147.2! I totally forgot my SW though :\
  • laurabeerotten
    It's midnight EST on Monday/Tuesday (I haven't been to sleep yet and likely won't for a few hours... ugh, midterms... so it still feels like Monday to me) and we're only lacking one so I'm posting our INCREDIBLE 0.63% to the main board.

    I can't wait to see how we stack up!

    Congratulations to everyone for a good week.

    Let's keep the trend going for next week!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Wow guys, you're all doing great! Slytherin rocks
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    ONE MONTH!!!!!!!
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    Anyone else ever wonder why Ron is the only Weasley ever to have friends come stay over the Summer Holidays? Harry and Hermione always are invited to the Burrow for holidays but Ginny and the twins etc never seem to have anyone come over to stay?
    Yes, I do need a life :-)
  • laurabeerotten
    Anyone else ever wonder why Ron is the only Weasley ever to have friends come stay over the Summer Holidays? Harry and Hermione always are invited to the Burrow for holidays but Ginny and the twins etc never seem to have anyone come over to stay?

    I have ALWAYS wondered that. I mean, surely Fred and George would want Lee Jordan to come visit from time to time, yes?
  • laurabeerotten
    Alright my Slytherin friends! Happy weigh in day and Happy Fathers Day to all Slytherin fathers and fathers of Slytherins!

    I am down 1.4 pounds this week and inching ever so slightly toward my goal. Not sure if I can make it at this point, but it feels FANTASTIC to be under 240 for the first time since my freshman year of college.

    Hufflepuff barely beat us last week, let's give 'em a comeback!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I will need to post my weight tomorrow morning, as I am house sitting and the scale they have here litteraly does not work. So when I go home today I will pick up my scale and bring it back.

    Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there.

    In response to the thoughts about Ron having friends come over the summer- maybe it is because Harry and Herimone live in muggle world where as the other guys always live in the wizarding world. Then they can just together when they want. Just a thought but it is an interesting question to ponder.
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    Happy Father's day to all fathers in here!

    Happy weighing for me! I lost 3 pounds, finally made up for all the slow progress the last few weeks. Current weight 209. My goal for this challenge was 208 so I think I will hit it. Hopefully I won't gain weight right before the movie as I'm going on a cruise the week before. I want to lose as much as possible before the cruise so I won't want to mess up the good going I have.

    I can't access the spreadsheet until tomorrow at work so if anyone wants to update me, thank you.
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    I'm down 1 pound this week to 180 w00t w00t! Happy Fathers Day to all the Slytherin fathers out there! (and any other father who may be reading this thread lol).
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I'm stuck at 184. grrr arrrgh.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Down 3.2 this week - wahoo! Only 5 lbs away from my HP goal!
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I lost two pounds this week! WOO HOO! Must be the boot camp type circuit training I did on Wednesday...
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    No loss this week. :-(
  • laurabeerotten

    I can't access the spreadsheet until tomorrow at work so if anyone wants to update me, thank you.

    Got you! Congrats on being so close!
  • laurabeerotten
    This week's challenges from the main board are:
    Food Challenge: Try a new protein source you havent tried...can be anything..a bean, a new type of meat, tofu, some kind of soy or dairy product you havent tried..etc. If you have tried everything, try cooking something a new way!

    Exercise challenge: Exercising is always easier when you have support...try getting a group together (or at least one other person) and do your workout with them! Or just go for a group walk or bike ride! :)

    We are missing a huge chunk of updates, which I am going to chalk up to the holiday weekend. Please get your weights in ASAP! My goal is to post our percentage to the main board tomorrow when I get home from work around midnight EST (late Tuesday/early Wednesday). Hopefully we'll all stagger in in the next 24 hours. We're getting so close you guys!

    Now, I'm off to bed. It's been a long day. Microbiology exam this morning. Blech. :sick:
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Sorry, I was late this week (posted yesterday). I've not been well and just didn't get my act together. I only lost a pound too, despite all my hard work and I've not been able to exercise much this week either so I think that the next weigh in won't be so good for me wither - sorry guys.