Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Slytherin



  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    I'm down half a pound this week. I'm a little disappointed with that number, but I did have a really good week last week with a 3.5 pound loss so I guess it balances out. Oh well! Any loss or even a maintain is better than a gain. I was just really hoping for at least 1.5 - 2 pounds, that will be my goal for this week!
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    Can someone log my weight into the spreadsheet? I cant access it (camping). My weight is 129. Thanks!
  • Kaldrmjolka
    Kaldrmjolka Posts: 86
    Lost 3.3 pounds this week, very proud since I've been getting such low numbers in the past.

    Great work from everyone. Remember if there wasn't any loss it's ok. If you stumble on your journey you're still moving forward.

    <3 Have a great week everyone!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Can someone log my weight into the spreadsheet? I cant access it (camping). My weight is 129. Thanks!

    Done- enjoy the camping trip.
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    Though I didn't break the 20lb mark this week sadly (so no loss this week v.v {and if someone could log that for me it'd be awesome... still don't have internet at the house yet}). I did however in the past two weeks lose .25 inches on my neck, 2 inches off of both arms AND both thighs! So I'm still getting the progress which I am happy about ^_^

    Though sorry guys for not helping our percentage this week v.v

    Keep kicking butt everyone!
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    I posted it to the spreadsheet earlier, but I'm down 4 pounds this week.

    I figured out that I can definitely reach the (typoed) goal that I set for myself for this challenge - 357 - if I lose an average of 3 lbs a week, which hasn't been too hard lately. I'm so gonna push myself with EVERYTHING I have now. <3
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    I posted it to the spreadsheet earlier, but I'm down 4 pounds this week.

    I figured out that I can definitely reach the (typoed) goal that I set for myself for this challenge - 357 - if I lose an average of 3 lbs a week, which hasn't been too hard lately. I'm so gonna push myself with EVERYTHING I have now. <3

    NNNNIIIIIICCCCCCEEEEEE! You made up for my non-loss lol go you! *hugs* ^_____^
  • laurabeerotten
    Though I didn't break the 20lb mark this week sadly (so no loss this week v.v {and if someone could log that for me it'd be awesome... still don't have internet at the house yet}). I did however in the past two weeks lose .25 inches on my neck, 2 inches off of both arms AND both thighs! So I'm still getting the progress which I am happy about ^_^

    Though sorry guys for not helping our percentage this week v.v

    Keep kicking butt everyone!

    Got you, got a couple of other people too.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Sorry guys just got back froma weekend away. I haven't had a chance to weigh in :o( I will weigh in tomorrow. I know late for this week...
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    been away too. Only lost half a pound this week but planning to up my exercise this week so hopefully should see more of a loss from now!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Hello, friends! I am sad to say thanks to some TOM bloating and shabby food choices over the past week, I am up some pounds. Nonetheless, I am not counting this as a gain. I expect, as usual, it is water weight, and I hope to finally report a loss this weekend. So for me, still no loss. Sigh.

    P.S. Sorry for being absent again on Sunday. The only time I was on the computer this weekend was when I was writing my paper.
  • laurabeerotten
    We lost 0.62% this week. We're still waiting on Hufflepuff to post but it looks like another Ravenclaw victory this week. Posting so far:

    Ravenclaw: 0.70%
    Slytherin: 0.62%
    Gryffindor: 0.29%

    I know we can take it back from Ravenclaw and we were very close. I had to delete four members from the group, and will likely delete a few more if weights aren't in for Week 4 soon. Here are this week's challenges from the main board, in case you missed it:
    Food Challenge:
    Try to get in 5 servings of Fruits and Veggies per day (if that is hard for you, try to add at least 1 of each more than what you normally have).

    Exercise Challenge:
    In addition to your usual workout routine, try to walk for at least 15 more minutes at least 5 days this week!

    I plan on posting our loss each week on the main board by Monday night at 11:00 PM Eastern Time (GMT -05:00). I feel that this is more than reasonable since weigh-in day is supposed to be Sunday. I know some of you weigh in at places other than home, so that gives us some leeway.

    I'd like to keep this board active, so if anyone has ideas about how to approach that, go for it!

    Your New Head of House,
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I agree- let's make this board more active. How can we do this? I am thinking of posting workout accomplishments- What new things can you do now that you could not before or Favorite memories from the HP books.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Just weighed in - sorry I'm late, it's been a holiday weekend in the US and the UK too, so maybe that's why so many of us hadn't weighed in by deadline?
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I agree about making this board more active. I've decided to start....

    Yesterday I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and then lifted some weights. Nothing big obviously but something is better than nothing. Regular bench press (50 lbs), arm rows (20lbs), standing bicep curls (15lbs) and tricep extentions (20lbs). Like I said, it wasn't a ton of work outs with a lot of weight but it felt good afterwards and yep, feeling it today. I also reached a milestone (for me anyway) last night. I beat my record for girlie push ups (from the knees). My highest in one set was 15, last night I did 20. So I guess the weight lifting IS working because I"m getting stronger. GgggRrrrrr

    Now for some Harry Potter talk.....
    Correct me if I'm wrong but did the last book allude to the fact that Luna and Neville ended up together or did I just make that up in my head because they're both adorable? I'm PRETTY sure that's what J.K was layin' down.
    Everytime I watch Deathly Hallows Part 1 I look forward to the part where Luna's dad tells the story of the 3 brothers. I find it fasinating. I guess that's why I chose the Deathly Hallows symbol as my "HP Tattoo". "He greeted Death like an old friend....."
    One more thing.....I love that Harry and Ginny named one of their kids after Snape <3
  • laurabeerotten
    Just weighed in - sorry I'm late, it's been a holiday weekend in the US and the UK too, so maybe that's why so many of us hadn't weighed in by deadline?

    If by chance another long holiday weekend comes up we can adjust posting time a smidge. We were the 3rd group to post totals and we didn't do that until Tuesday afternoon Eastern time, so the others didn't change much from routine either, and honestly, I wouldn't want to go much beyond Tuesday evening.

    Still weigh in if you want to stay in the challenge but you're gonna be late--you just won't affect our reported weekly percentage for the week in question, but you'll be a factor for the next week's! Remember, house cup is given at the end to the house that lost the most (percentage wise) overall, so missing a week's deadline isn't detrimental to you or the house.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    So workout accomplishments - yesterday I got up at 5am and went swimming. Not for long, only 20 mins or so but I really hate mornings so I was really proud of myself. Then I did a full day at work, went from there to Curves and did the circuit then I went to the other gym and did 35 mins on the cross trainer.

    Then I went home and pretty much had dinner, lay on the sofa then went to bed early. I was really tired (I'm very unfit). I have been to Curves already today though as I'm working tonight

    Not sure if I have the willpower to keep that up but I'm going to try! My BMI has dropped by 2% this month so quite proud of that too!

    How's everyone else's week going?
  • stressd1mom
    stressd1mom Posts: 151 Member
    I rode my bike for 50 Tuesday night! I remember when I first started out I was lucky if I could make it 10-15 tops & I was all red faced & huffin & puffin! I was pretty proud of myself!
  • laurabeerotten

    How's everyone else's week going?

    Well, I started a summer class at a new college and it's mega-stressful. A lot of ground to cover in one month. But, I made it a personal goal to ALWAYS take the stairs, including the stairs to the fourth level of the parking garage where I'm usually stuck parking. This is a big deal for me because 1) Elevators have always fed my lazy habit 2) The stairs are outdoors, and we've had record breaking heat in Kentucky this week... by the time I walk from the end of campus where my class is and up the stairs to my car, I'm dripping with sweat. Anyway, I'm happy to report that I am doing fantastically with that goal.

    On the diet front, I decided to go down to the calorie amount needed to lose 2 lbs a week (from 1.5lbs a week) because I wasn't happy with how my weight loss went in May. I am not as hungry as I thought I'd be, and we'll see on Sunday if it makes a difference.
  • laurabeerotten
    Correct me if I'm wrong but did the last book allude to the fact that Luna and Neville ended up together or did I just make that up in my head because they're both adorable? I'm PRETTY sure that's what J.K was layin' down.
    Everytime I watch Deathly Hallows Part 1 I look forward to the part where Luna's dad tells the story of the 3 brothers. I find it fasinating. I guess that's why I chose the Deathly Hallows symbol as my "HP Tattoo". "He greeted Death like an old friend....."
    One more thing.....I love that Harry and Ginny named one of their kids after Snape <3

    I always thought (or perhaps hoped) that Luna and Neville would end up together. According to the HP Lexicon site (I checked because I was curious) JK said in her Open Book Tour stop at Carnegie Hall that Neville ends up marrying Hannah Abbott, and she becomes the landlady of the Leaky Cauldron. Hmm...

    I also LOVED how they did the story of the three brothers in the movie. I thought it was very good.

    Snape's death scene is so touching, and I like that Harry honored him and his sacrifice by naming his kid after him.