women, any cycles messed up by weight loss??



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    since losing weight my cycles have changed from the normal 28day cycle with ovulation at day 14 to 33day cycles or longer! i even missed 2 periods when i got to my lowest body fat but now its higher im having really strange periods. last cycle was 33days this cycle im now on day 35 with no signs of AF!

    anyone else have this happen?
    I have always had my cycles and then, beginning of this year (before mfp) they were late, missing, etc. I had my doctor (chiropractor, actually!) write up an order for a very comprehensive hormone panel...which was all paid for by my insurance.

    Well, all my hormone levels were a little bit low, including testosterone levels. No wonder I was always so unreasonably tired:yawn:

    I don't like medical doctors and meds (even though my husband is an orthopedic nurse!), so I googled and learned that...surprise!....the way to balance hormones is through....stress reduction, exercise, rest, proper eating including vegetables, etc....lol....

    So that is what I have been doing, WITH DETERMINATION!

    I think it's time to redo the blood tests, to see where it's all at. However, I feel normal, and my periods have resumed and are normal.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Yes, and its a pain in the *kitten* I tell you what.

    Since I have loads of fat stores that are being depleted my Dr. says my hormones may go crazy for awhile. He wasn't joking. I have currently been on my period for three weeks. I went from having a very typical 28 day cycle, 4 day period and am on the same birth control as previously...

    My last two periods, however, have been long and drawn out to say the least.

    Doctors have tons of education, but...!
    But I really think that if we care about our health and happiness, we will ask those doctors lots of hard questions and really draw them out....make them back up what they say!

    And then research and take control of your own health!

    Their advice can be helpful and directive, but at the end of the day, it is you who have to live with the results of the advice that is taken! Doctors can be wrong...or just half interested...or even dishonest....they are human.
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    Glad to have found this thread, since starting my weight loss journey I have been having basically two periods a month and it's super irritating. Once mid-cycle and once when I'm supposed to. I am glad to be losing weight but I can't wait to get where I'm going with it so things can even out!!!
  • OhioViking79
    OhioViking79 Posts: 76 Member
    I acctually went to see my OBGYN about this a few years ago since mine went MIA for about 18 months. I thought i had a fertility problem and it turned out i had a fat tissue problem. I was too heavy at the time, and apparently fat tissue produces a hormon that will hamper your cycles if you have too little or too much of it. The production depens on the amount of fatty tissue - according to the "expert" as little as 10 or 15 pounds up or down could be enough to cause your TOM to vanish! He basically told me to loose weight, i did and got it back! Regular as a bell untill i started working out again in earnest two months ago, and then it decided to be two weeks late .... go figure!
  • DIYmomma
    DIYmomma Posts: 74 Member
    Ive been having these problems as well. Ive been really worried, the doctor did a hormone check this month and Im still waiting on the test results. Maybe this is the reason for the problems Ive been having these past 6 months.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    If you ladies have been chronically eating at a severe deficit, you can experience disruption of LH pulsatility and ovarian function. I posted this in another thread about this so I'm going to paste it here. Read the research paper provided in the link.
    What is your net calories? Women can experience amenorrhea and a disruption in LH pulsatility and ovarian function if your energy availability (net calories) goes too low after a few consecutive days (5 in the case of this study).

    There is an equation used to estimate such a threshold:

    30 kcal x lbs of lean body mass in kg x 5 days

    The study, which is linked below, did not state disruption occurs at or below this number specifically, but rather disruption does not occur at or above. This means you can be slightly below the number and not experience health issues. Every woman's response is different, thus, will have a different threshold value.

    Here is the study:

  • jesspi68
    If you ladies have been chronically eating at a severe deficit, you can experience disruption of LH pulsatility and ovarian function. I posted this in another thread about this so I'm going to paste it here. Read the research paper provided in the link.
    What is your net calories? Women can experience amenorrhea and a disruption in LH pulsatility and ovarian function if your energy availability (net calories) goes too low after a few consecutive days (5 in the case of this study).

    There is an equation used to estimate such a threshold:

    30 kcal x lbs of lean body mass in kg x 5 days

    The study, which is linked below, did not state disruption occurs at or below this number specifically, but rather disruption does not occur at or above. This means you can be slightly below the number and not experience health issues. Every woman's response is different, thus, will have a different threshold value.

    Here is the study:


    Good information to have but thankfully this does not apply to me! I am at TDEE - 15% and I love food. :)
  • rachelpsarver
    I have had 4 periods in the past two months. I have also lost about 20 lbs in that time. I am happy to see so many people in the same boat. I have been trying to get pregnant. before these 2 months I was having my period every 3 weeks. Stupid body. Work the way I need you to.
  • Fiorentina
    I'm way below my target weight due to stress and nerves which have destroyed my appetite. I used to graze and snack a LOT, in fact MFP is a great tool for me to keep an eye on things. However, around the beginning of August I started to lose my appetite. I basically stopped eating all snacks, no grazing, just very small meals because I fill up right away. I'm almost repelled by food now, in spite of being physically hungry.

    Anyhoo, long story short -- AF is 2 weeks late! I'm 5'8" and 129 lbs when I was 136 lbs in August. I think it's the sudden weight loss, and I KNOW I'm not pregnant.

    Thanks for listening!