

  • There are so many vegetarian options out there, and ways to customize meals for you and the meat eaters of your family. I am assuming that you are a new vegetarian, just starting out. Before I launch into ideas, let me say that lower fat is more important than low fat. This site gives you an idea of the proportions of fat…
  • Check out the Re-Tone. They're the Reebok version of the Sketchers Shapers, and it's a lot more sleek looking.
  • There is so much misinformation out there, it is surprising that people aren't more skeptical of things they read. Butter and margarine do not always have the same amount of calories. You can get reduced calorie margarine. There are a lot of things wrong with that blurb you posted. There are a lot of misconceptions,…
  • I seem pretty neurotic now... I weigh myself first thing in the morning, and at the very end of the day. Now I know approximately how much I shift from day to day, so if I see minor setbacks, I can count on a better number in the morning.
  • I'm 20, if that helps, but I've been using the site on and off for two years. I'm not overweight, but I am also trying to slim down. Welcome!
  • Good job with the self control! Pizza is a hard one to limit, isn't it? If there was no marinara sauce, then there would have been: Crust: 150kcal (the values really ranged here, depending on the dough type) Cheese: mozzarella (one serving, 30g, assumed) , 100 kcal Olive oil: approx 1 tbsp, 119 kcal Total: 369kcal If it…
  • Black bean burgers from here:, with some mushroom rice and a salad.
  • I've heard that some days you can consume something that makes you feel bloated. Also, for me, it depends on my mood that day. Some days I'm awesome, and some days I don't want to leave the house.