

  • Sorry I didn't put in here what the actual calculations meant. I got the information from P90X and also from my MIO Motiva, which is strapless heart rate watch that can also keep track of calories, etc. I THOUGHT it was way too high!!!!!! Thank you for that calculation you provided Danielle. If I did the calculation right…
  • Stacey - girl, I feel ya! Evenings are my bad times. I can do awesome without even trying hard ALL DAY LONG and then *bam* there I am with a cookie in hand. What I've tried to start doing is allowing myself a little extra in cals for the end of the day to help with that. Also, I thought I wanted a dog too about 6 mo. ago.…
  • Welcome! I recently joined & am commiting to being HONEST about the foods I'm eating by logging them on as I eat them. Good luck - if you believe you can, you will! :wink:
  • I just posted something like this and someone linked a post about making a U-turn. Every choice is just that - a choice. One choice does NOT determine the next one. YOU DO. So, when you DO make a "bad" choice, dust yourself off and make a U-turn.:wink:
  • I too want to lose 100 lbs. I weighed in this morning at 256. Now that is the ugly truth. :grumble: However, I just recently got involved here and find it SUPER helpful to log all my foods and also the community with information regarding different eating programs. Good luck to you! Find your "WHY" factor and don't forget…
  • Just saw this and am thankful for your post & pics. I can do this - and it's not something that'll be done in a quick way but slower, healthier and life-changing. You look amazing - stretched out or not, and keep up the great work!!!
  • Hi everyone! I'm a SAHM to 4 boys. Dylan's 5, Ryan and Tyler are 3 and Zach is 2. It's busy and loud at my house. Having had 3 sections in 3 years, my body has been through a lot and I let myself go to the back burner while caring for everyone else. Well, now's the time to get back to putting my body on the list of…
  • Thank you everyone! I know that every day (or every hour!) is a choice and that making a less than healthy choice does not have to be the fast-track to complete unraveling. I ate what did last night and resolved that today would be a better day. I've limited the snack-y type things in the house, as I don't want my kids to…
  • I can't tell from the topic but is this a group for stay-at-home moms? If so, I so want & need to be part of it. :love:
  • Thanks for the info. I have a few friends at church that have done & are doing this again. They've had great success with it but I wondered if it was more of the low-calorie diet that was making them lose weight than the Hcg itself. I wondered if anyone on here had done it because my curiousity gets the better of me with…