

  • I 100% agree with you. However, part of me feels that as we overweight people start the process and stop the excuses we also become "preachers"..."you can do it", "stop making excuses", etc...and since we know how hard it is to start the process, continue with the process and stop the excuses we should also understand that…
  • Yes, we are everywhere....
  • Thanks, I have tried that in the past, and maybe if I didn't have songs i like, but annoying buzzers it would have worked...cuz when i hear something I like, I figure just let it play...hahaha
  • Yes sir! However, I have been here for soooo long, I am lucky I still have family that make me speak russian so I don't forget...
  • That sounds perfect, however, I am not animal person since my kitty passed last November...maybe i can find someone else with a cold nose to wake me up. :tongue:
  • Mountain Time works for me, as I am should be perfect...I can't pay you, however, if you are ever in Chicago, I can show you some fun stuff to do! Lana
  • I just figured out how to attach to other comments...let me try that again...
  • amelia_atlantic...that was the user name of the guy that responded first saying he gets up at 4am... :smile:
  • amelia_atlantic I like that Idea, but if neither of us can wake up then we need 46and2 to call us at 4am (or at least for me 6 chicago time works) LOL...
  • You're funny! SweGuy
  • Check out stuff on Rocco Dispirto's recipes, also Hungry girl gives great ideas...otherwise, salsa and get some kind of low fat, low carb chip, fruit and veg...pigs in a blanket (Pig-use Turkey something, blanket use wontons)...hummas with your veg...make low cal pizza bites...use low-fat, low carb whole wheat tortillas,…
  • I see what you all are saying, however, I was told if you eat what you burn then you don't have a deficit of calories and you won't lose the I guess I am confused... Isn't the idea, eat less calories, burn more calories = weight lose? I seem to be getting conflicting theories here...Now we are working out my…
  • Thanks for the tips whwhitejr...I talked to my friend today and she thought it was a good idea i get it out of the way, since she likes to sleep in anyway, and I don't...:yawn: I do have a heard time choosing the right item...of course I prefer the greasy, cheesey, gooey, saucy stuff, but you are right, this is a good test…
  • Thanks guys...i didn't think to go to fresh markets and prepare stuff...I guess when I am on vacation and being the food network and travel channel junky that I am, my first instinct is hit the hot restaurant spots that Guy Fieri and the rest visit...but that is just too tempting to be naughty. Maybe I will do one or two…
  • get rocco dispirtos cookbook, Eat This, Not That (or something like that) He takes everyday common foods (pizza, meatloaf, mac and cheese etc.) and lowers the calories by a lot on them...I haven't tried anything yet, but will...Lots of great ideas...