

  • I learned about this web site from another member on MFP: It is awesome with a great variety of workouts and most are available free. I learned about it just as the time change occurred, and it is all I have been using at night. Lovin…
  • I find that eating healthy proteins and carbs such as nuts, beans, hummus, low-fat cheese and yogurt, eggs, turkey and fish, and whole grain breads keeps me filled up much longer and I try to work them into my dinners and my after-dinner snack. Sugar-free gum is great when I am stressed or upset... it gives your mouth…
  • I totally have the belly flab and also a high tummy that looks like I am 5 months pregnant. It's not very attractive and really hard to find the right clothes to wear. I started this diet when a lady was so convinced that I was pregnant that she asked when I was due at a meeting with about 6 other people. I don't know who…
  • Wise words - I am printing them out and putting on my refrigerator. #3 is so frustrating, but true. I want the weight to just melt off and be gone forever, but I know it is a long term struggle that will likely last a long time... I wanted to say all my life... but it won't - it can't!!!! I loved idea #6, I have so many…
  • I bought the book "Abs Diet for Women", and it has workouts that can be done at a gym, and on the following page shows an alternative excercise that works the same muscles and can be done at home. It also has some great diet and nutrition information, and easy to make yummy recipies. The excercises target all body parts…
  • I was stuck on a plateau for the last 3 weeks... I was doing everything I was supposed to, and maintaining all that had been working for me until then, but no weight loss. I asked for help on MFP and after reading the great advice I tried eliminating some foods I had been uncertain about eating (my "sugar-free" but ultra…
  • These recipes look soooo good, and it is nice to see the low calorie counts as I drool over them. I am not sure what to points system refers to, but I am going to try them - thanks so much!! :flowerforyou:
  • I am learning that it very much matters what you eat. I was trying to work around the calories count by meeting my daily intake numbers, but cheating by adding in stuff I was craving like pizza (I looooovvvvveee pizza) and tootsie rolls (yuuuummmm). I was limiting them and just having one slice, rather than 4 like I used…
  • my calendar is 41.7 my real age is 36.2 (-5.5) but when I did it on the nutrition portion my real age is 39 (-2.7) Very nice web site, I got lost in there for hours and bookmarked it for tomorrow - thanks!!
  • Thanks Brenda - that is a great way to look at it. I was thinking that natural sugars can't be all that bad for me because they provide additional vitamins and fiber. I will try to separate the natural from the artificial, and I am going to research my fruit sugars before I stuff them into my face... I have got to make…
  • Thank you all for your advice and suggestions. I am so clueless to how food acts once it enters my body... other than it stays on my stomach and thighs... sigh... I will check out the suggested books and websites. I really appreciate everyone's help. I am mostly eating natural sugars, and really limiting artificial ones,…
  • Thank you all for your kind words and motivation. I really love to hear and learn from those that have dealt with this before and made it through. It really helps to keep me going and not give up! It was really helpful to hear that the second reply had been stuck at the same weight for 5 weeks, but now has attained her…
  • I also do not drink enough water. I probably average 3 or 4 glasses a day. I love water (especially with ice cubes), but I also drink milk and coffee and yes an occasional diet soda at lunch... I love the bubbles and caffine... I also like the flavored waters, but a lot of them have high fructose sugars and high sodium…
  • Thank you both for your replies. They were really helpful! I will get a heart rate monitor (I have been meaning to anyways). I was hoping to find one with a pedometer too. In the mean time I typed strength into cardio, and was pleased to see a number for calories burned. I am totally into the numbers right now. They are…