Carp614 Member


  • Mounted Archery is the business! I'm horse people. Y'all can add me if you like, even if you're not horse people.
  • I'll be 46 in October. I've lost almost 30 pounds in the last 4 months and I am having a ridiculously good time doing it. Y'all friend me if you want. It's just getting good...
  • Yep. Y'all come on. I post about everyday.
  • For me the official goal weight was kind of a joke in the beginning. I never thought I could hit it so it didn't matter. As I've gotten closer I've done a little research and considered various factors and decided, yeah, it doesn't really matter. I'm already thinking about the next goal after I hit that one. That said, I…
  • I was just talking about getting one of those weight vests to see what it was like the other day. When I run now, I can actually feel that I weigh less. I can feel that it is easier to move. It's kind of a weird sensation and it's pretty great when you realize what is happening.
  • The goal weight I put into MFP is 210lbs. I put that in because I had to have a goal, but I chose 210 as a joke. I knew I was never going to get anywhere near that number. 14 weeks and 30 pounds later I'm 11 pounds from that goal, and still losing. I think it's actually possible. So my mini goal is to make the joke a…
  • So far i haven't run into significant problems until I do more than about a thousand calories worth of work. I exceeded that recently and paid a price. My blood sugar was in the basement the next day and I essentially felt like crap for a couple of days. If I had eaten more I feel confident this would not have happened.…
  • I'm currently focused on burning excess fat and improving my cardiovascular health. I don't believe I need a gym to do that. It might be nice, but I don't think it's required. I see a possible future wherein I shift focus to building some muscle. That would be my switchover point I think. Taking it one day at a time till…
  • My family is very cool about what I'm doing. Mostly it's an exercise in patience for them. I'm all excited want to share every little thing that changes. BP is down, I see a vein, new PB run, whatever it is i'm like this all day. My poor wife is so tired of hearing about it, but everyone still smiles and says good job!…
  • It's not a big deal to anyone else, but you have to understand how certain I was this could never happen. To me, getting bigger was like a law of nature: The sky is blue, water is wet, and I am just going to keep getting fatter till I die. That's how I saw it. 12 weeks ago, I was at the beginning. I decided that 38" waste…
  • You inspired me to check and I just realized mine is under 30 too! Yay for the under 30 crowd. Congratulations!
  • It sounds weird to say everything is changed, but it is. I knew with absolute certainty that my weight was going to increase until I got sick and started dying at some point in the future. It was this immutable, subconscious fact I carried like a boat anchor around my neck and I think it affected every aspect of my life…
  • 10 weeks ago I couldn't run half a mile without stopping. Last week I ran about 18 miles!
  • What's motivating me now is to stay the course no matter if I can see results or not.
  • It's clear to me now that middle agers is the cool kids club in MFP. Nice.... Feel free to add me.
  • I log everything view everything in a weekly context. If I'm over for a day but way under for a week, I feel like I'm ok.
  • I might be the the king of weird NSV's I have another weird one. I was running and I noticed veins in the back of my fingers. It sounds gross, but I promise it wasn't. I could see Just enough to realize what was going on and only when my heart rate was up. I recently switched from my regular wedding band to one of those…
  • #intensity I recognize/remember some of what he is bringing from my time in the military. That kind of stuff was highly motivating and attractive to a younger me and still reaches me on a certain level. I found it difficult to like what Goggins is bringing and love people at the same time. But that's just me.
  • I have found it difficult to consistently hit my protein goals. I've had to do some experimenting to find foods that are protein dense, low(er) in fat, and don't give me stomach problems. While I am in the process of finding dietary protein sources, I've been using a whey protein isolate as a supplement. One thing I'm…
    in Protein Comment by Carp614 August 2020
  • I will be 46 at the end of October. Usually post something every couple of days. Friend me if you like.
  • You already know how to knock off a stone. You've done it plenty. But rice cakes suck and eventually you are going to want real food. So learn how to eat and enjoy real food that is healthy. Take your time, invest in learning healthy things you like to eat. Do that one day at a time and be patient with yourself. Then you…
  • Y'all can friend me if you want. no message required.
  • You'll probably think this is weird, but the more I hear about things like this, the more I think about the state of mind of the person running their mouths. I personally don't believe people are just mean for no reason what-so-ever. For example, the people I know on social media who are the most angry, fervent, cutting,…
    in Haters Comment by Carp614 August 2020
  • I apologize in advance to those of you with weak stomachs...
  • I have a weird one for you: I found out I have hair on my chest. I lost so much weight that my old undershirts are loose. I guess the tight shirt used to rub off what little chest hair I had. Not anymore. I looked in the mirror the other day and I was like, "what is THAT?" Scared the crap out of me until I figured out what…
  • Also, I generally don't FR women. After thinking about it for a while I decided to accept FR's from women, but I'm not hunting for ladies to be friends with no here. Different goals and all.
  • Y'all. My pants be saggin'! When I bought these jeans 3 years ago it was like putting on a wet suit. they are baggy now! Just noticed this morning.