

  • Phew! Sorry been gone so long. Midterms are finally done, thank god! I have gained a few pounds but it was expected due to everything. I'm back on the wagon now and worked out yesterday for the first time in a long time. We'll see how this goes! Lol. How are you doing?
  • Thanks for the faith and compliments Patricia! I, however, am not feeling very inspired today. I feel like giving up. I haven't worked out since Thanksgiving because of EVERYTHING. Thank god I only one more midterm next week and then I'm done. I'm going to try and force myself back into my normal habit this week as the…
  • I'm sorry to hear you're having a tough time. You're doing better than me in the working out aspect. I STILL haven't worked out because I've been sick and now I have my midterms. Ugh. I have no time to do anything. Although, thanks to stress I have lost 3 pounds :ohwell: I baked on Sunday too, made a whole pile of apple...…
  • Lol. I did pizza on Friday too!! We CAN do this, you're right! I'm going to bring my workout stuff to my sister's so when I pick up my kids after school, I can force myself to workout before I get the kids home and am too tired. Remember, tomorrow (or today too) is a new day. We can't change what we did yesterday, we can…
  • Ugh! What a weekend!! I feel terrible because I haven't worked out since Saturday and all I've done is eat!!! And of course it's now my favourite time of every month. I'm counting this past while as a write off and starting fresh tomorrow. Not to mention I have midterms coming up so I'm going to need the stress relief.…
  • Sure. We can report our weight to each other once a week. I weighed myself yesterday and was not impressed to see a slight gain. Right now I'm sitting at 137 and would really love to get down to 115. Here's hoping. I know I'm building muscle right now so I'm going to wait a bit to see if the scales tip to the fat burning…
  • Actually, what they mean when they say that muscle weighs more than fat is that when you take a piece of muscle say 6 inches by 6 inches by 2 inches and compare that to fat of the same dimensions, muscle weighs more. They aren't talking literally, they're talking in size comparison. I'm in school to become a personal…
    in UGHH!!! Comment by trillium October 2009
  • Hey Patricia! I forgot to check in yesterday too. I'm doing alright. I need to work on the diet too. I didn't workout yesterday because I was just so tired. Thankfully today's class involved 45 minutes of cardio testing so I'm counting that as my workout. I was supposed to Chalean Extreme today but I'm burned out. Thank…
  • Just checking in. Did Chalean Extreme Push Circuit 1 today and I'm really going to feel it tomorrow! *ouch* :sad: It's all good though. Lol. What about you? How did your day go?
  • Hey! Sorry for the delay, school keeps me busy. Lol. I got your friend request! Thanks for adding me!! :) As for my goals, well I want to lose about 20 more pounds. I wasn't weighing myself for a while and then weighed in the other day and was a little annoyed to see that I had a slight gain :noway: . So now I'm weighing…
  • Hi Kattie, I'm Holly. I know exactly where you are coming from because I was there too. I gained a lot of weight with both my pregnancies and hated myself. I'll tell you what worked for me. When I finally came to the conclusion that enough was enough, I started really small, and I stayed at home. The staying at home thing…
  • Hey pshook! I'd love to do that with you. I'm in school to become a personal trainer and this semester we have a 4 part project to do. It's a personal fitness assignment. Part 1 was designing our workout plan. Done. Part 2 is following it AND keeping a log of it. :noway: My new workout runs from Sept 30 to Oct 30, and then…
  • Whenever I'm feeling tempted, I try to use a quote from Chalene Johnson: "Nothing tastes as good as lean feels".... it generally works. You need to find something that distracts you when temptation stares you in the eye. :) Holly
  • Hi Jaimee, I'm Holly. I'm also looking for support as I'm finding it difficult to stay on track. I'm not new to working out but I'm just finding the drive and motivation is gone. I'm a single mom and going back to school (to become a personal trainer... ironically. lol) and am worried about the ability to keep ALL of this…
    in Hello Comment by trillium September 2009