
Hi, My name is Jaimee and I'm definitely in need of support to lose weight and make sure it stays lost.

I've been gaining weight the last couple of years as a result of stress from work, school and the inevitable post marriage weight gain.
My biggest struggle is stress eating and late night snacking. Support would be most welcome.

I love this site and it's already had a huge impact on my mindset towards food. The only thing left is to find the motivation to see it through.


  • trillium
    Hi Jaimee,

    I'm Holly. I'm also looking for support as I'm finding it difficult to stay on track. I'm not new to working out but I'm just finding the drive and motivation is gone. I'm a single mom and going back to school (to become a personal trainer... ironically. lol) and am worried about the ability to keep ALL of this up. So if you're interested, I'd love to be support buddies!! :) Let me know!

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!!! You will love it here if you don't already. I love it here. This site is so supportive, motivational, helpful, easy to use, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you much success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: