

  • Any enlightenment what the '30 day shred' is?
  • Thanks... I am 170 and want to be 155... the last 5 will be the HARDEST for sure.. Especially cause I like pizza and beer.
  • This is about you and nobody else... If you makes you feel better, hide your diary.. Might may you feel better. I have moments I don't want to track everything but I am the ONLY one that loses out. Learn to NOT lie to yoursef, as you have to LIVE with yourself.
  • I love gumi worms, instead of eating a whole bag, I eat maybe 5-6 instead. My personal theory is, if I deprive myself of the little things I enjoy in life, than I will want to hoard it and eats way too much. I want to lose weight and I want to enjoy life.. As everybody else has said, moderation and balance.
  • I always seem to go over on sugar guidelines ,, and that seems to keep weight on me. So if I really stick to the sugar guideline or go over 10-15 instead of 35 I seem to take at least a little weight off. Just some insight.
  • YAHOOOO!!!!
  • WOW,, thanks everybody for the awesome advice.. I can see the pros/cons of weighing yourself daily or weekly. Like everybody said, find what's right for me.. I don't want to be crazy (more than I am now. :)) but want to stay on track... Lots of good tips so far. Many thanks. Heather
  • I have only been on here 2 weeks, but I really liked reading everybody's responses. I like the weekly perspective INSTEAD of the daily. And in my opinion, it's ok to have a 'bad meal' once a week.. Keeps us sane.. and I like little snack candys so I have a couple of them a day instead of a bag of them.. seems to be working…
  • LOVE IT.
  • I've only been doing this for 10 days and down 5 lbs, BUT I like chewy things like gummi worms etc. I let myself have like 7 of them a day instead of a bag. That helps with the constant craving. I also had today, 2 pieces of delite pepperoni pizza from Papa Johns, instead of 4 regular pizzas, I feel this helps me…
  • I like the mini goal ideas...
  • Hello and welcome.. It's an excellent and inexpensive way to track your food intake and exercise.. I love it, plus there is an app on my phone too. :) Good luck.
    in Hello Comment by hschimke March 2011