is it okayy to splurge out once a week?

xbabeykayx Posts: 78
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
ive just eaten 7 rich tea biscuits, 3 small cookies and 2 handfulls of fruit-ella summer fruit sweet i know i shouldnt but i had this mad crave for them.. what i was wondering is if its alright to splurge out like this once a week? oh and yes it was within my calorie allowance.


  • Soupskin
    Soupskin Posts: 74 Member
    If it fits in your meal plan then go for it!

    Everything in moderation.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    The answer you are looking for was right in your question! :)

    If you crave something, have it. Log it and try to stay within your calorie goal. But don't let it get out of hand and happen to often.
  • RyanRay
    RyanRay Posts: 9
    Everything in moderation! It's good to have what you love - in moderation :) Life is too short to not enjoy good food!
  • If it fits in your meal plan then go for it!

    Everything in moderation.

    it fits within my calories as im on a high day today ( im zig zagging my calories) however its gone over on my carbs and sugar :/ however i do try and limit my carbs throughout the week so i think it shouldnt be that bad
  • JPRobocker
    JPRobocker Posts: 74 Member
    I try not to "splurge." I think it is better to have a few sweets a week and take everything in moderation. Splurgeing (for me anyways) can lead into downward spirals of bad choices. I joined this site more for a life style change than for real weight loss. I find that eatting smaller portions (of everything, including sweets and junk food) has helped me lose weight and feel better. I think splurging might cause me to fall of the wagon and it isn't worth it to me. You're definition of splurging and mine might be different though. If you are under your calorie goal than I say go for it. Just don't let sweets replace real nutrition in your calories.
  • rachgleeson
    rachgleeson Posts: 83 Member
    I think its ok to have a treat every now and then as once you have got to goal are you going to stay away from these foods forever?? probably not so best to work them in with in reason!!
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    As long as it's once a week and not a daily habit, you are fine. I think it's important to treat yourself everyonce in a while.
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    I agree with everyone here about the ok in moderation. The only concern is if it leads to a pattern of poor eating. I find that eating sweet food make me crave more sweet food and often times I end up going down the rabbit hole and falling completely off my diet for weeks on end. At least that has been the case in the past when I wasn't tracking calories. If you are keeping within your calorie limits and the excess carbs and sugar don't cause any problems (mood swings, fatigue), then I'd say go for it!
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Everything in moderation and try to stay under your goal and you should be fine!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    "Everything in Moderation" works ONLY if you can keep it in Moderation. Pay attention to YOUR BODY and APPETITE. Will you gain and hold weight after the "Splurge" at your next weight-in; Will what you eat give you further cravings or cravings for other foods? KNOW/Learn Yourself, what works for some may not work for you. Learn YOU and DO what is Best for You.
  • The diet that I'm on lets me splurge once a day every weekend. my normal cal goal is 1500 so on Saturdays (or Sundays depending on whats going on that weekend) I eat around 3000. My two friends and I have been doing it for three weeks, one friend is down 7lbs, one is down 4 and I am down 3. The person who created this diet is my friends neighbor and has lost well over 100 lbs doing this and has a book out. I love my "spike" day because I get to eat whatever I'm craving during the week, and by the end of the day of splurging I'm ready to get back into my healthy routine. <3 it!
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    I try not to "splurge." I think it is better to have a few sweets a week and take everything in moderation. Splurgeing (for me anyways) can lead into downward spirals of bad choices. I joined this site more for a life style change than for real weight loss. I find that eatting smaller portions (of everything, including sweets and junk food) has helped me lose weight and feel better. I think splurging might cause me to fall of the wagon and it isn't worth it to me. You're definition of splurging and mine might be different though. If you are under your calorie goal than I say go for it. Just don't let sweets replace real nutrition in your calories.

    This is my thought too. I find when I "splurge", I'm more prone to think that I can do this every once in a while and I'll be ok. If I get that thought process going...forget about it! This is just me and my thought process. For me it's better to have a taste of something and that's where it ends. What I mean by a taste, I mean like a spoonful of ice cream instead of the whole container. At least I get a taste of it and the craving is gone. Just find whatever works for you...
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    Absoultely...depending on your style. Me? As long as I lose weight (I weigh in on Saturday mornings) I give myself a break from counting calories. I would guess that I am "splurging" on those days that I don't count calories...but for me it works. I have continued to lose weight and it keeps me sane all week! :) Like others have said, if you know that you personally would take that one bad day and let it continue...into two days, into a week, etc...then it's probably not a good idea for you.

    Read yourself and make a decision for YOU. :)
  • emonline
    emonline Posts: 4
    no this much in one go is not good for you and will undo what you have done, your better off to have one of those biscuits a day so that your body and break down a smaller amount of fat and burn of a smaller amount of calories than giving it 10 times that in one day to end up as fat storage
  • hschimke
    hschimke Posts: 14
    I love gumi worms, instead of eating a whole bag, I eat maybe 5-6 instead. My personal theory is, if I deprive myself of the little things I enjoy in life, than I will want to hoard it and eats way too much.
    I want to lose weight and I want to enjoy life.. As everybody else has said, moderation and balance.
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    bump for later reading
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