Day 6 and zero loss



  • hschimke
    hschimke Posts: 14
    I always seem to go over on sugar guidelines
    ,, and that seems to keep weight on me. So if I really stick to the sugar guideline or go over 10-15 instead of 35 I seem to take at least a little weight off. Just some insight.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    When a fat cell is emptied it is, for a short time replaced with water. Your body decides when this water is released(it is not known when or why). Stay consistent and your weight loss will come. Sometimes you can go 2 weeks or more without seeing a loss and then you have a 3lb loss whenever the water decides to leave the fat cell.

    This is very interesting. I have always wondered how this worked.

    And thank you to everyone who has responded here. My worst day is Wednesday, because my work schedule is pretty much non-stop from 6am until 2 or sometimes 3 pm. We aren't allowed to take lunch on this day, and my job on this day will only let me step away long enough to use the restroom. I really, really HATE Wednesdays!!! So every Wednesday my diary will look like hell... unfortunately. :(

    I am trying to drink loads of water, and for the most part I get in my required amount of water each day with no problem. I am seeing this is going to take some practice and patience. I just felt like I had been doing so good, then when I weighed today I was so let down.

    I just came from the grocery store and was quite frustrated, because I am looking at every single label on everything and all the things I pick up are loaded with sodium or sugar or carbs, etc etc etc. .. I am beginning to wonder if ANYTHING pre-packaged and convenient is health friendly? Even the items that seemed to be healthy were really bad when I read their labels. I need to view some of your diaries to get some idea of what all of you are eating so maybe I can use that as a guide.

    Sorry, it's just been a frustrating day for me. Thank you all again for your input.

    Wow, I can't believe your work gets away with that, I'm pretty sure that is not legal (not to allow you a lunch break) in Australia, and probably the same wherever you are. I'd be checking with your local regulations.
    Can you eat something small and quick (like almonds maybe) while you are working?

    Re processed food - no, mostly they are not going to be healthy. A general rule of thumb (cynical but true!) is that the more health claims written on the package of a meal, the less likely it is to be good for you.
    Also remember that carbs are not necessarily the enemy - your body needs carbs, just not the white flour/white sugar type of carbs found in processed stuff.

    If you have a busy schedule you might find that the best move is to make a big batch of soup or casserole or something and freeze it in dinner sized portions so you have easy, quick healthy food.

    Anyway, that is rather off the original topic - hang in there, don't weigh yourself every day, make healthy food choices, keep exercisig and you WILL see a difference!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    This is very interesting. I have always wondered how this worked.

    And thank you to everyone who has responded here. My worst day is Wednesday, because my work schedule is pretty much non-stop from 6am until 2 or sometimes 3 pm. We aren't allowed to take lunch on this day, and my job on this day will only let me step away long enough to use the restroom. I really, really HATE Wednesdays!!! So every Wednesday my diary will look like hell... unfortunately. :(

    Knowing that Wednesdays are like do you fix it? Can you snack at your desk/work area? Bring a lunch or some fresh fruit to keep you fueled throughout the day.
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    I always seem to go over on sugar guidelines
    ,, and that seems to keep weight on me. So if I really stick to the sugar guideline or go over 10-15 instead of 35 I seem to take at least a little weight off. Just some insight.

    I just went back and reviewed my diary and I found that I almost always am going over on sugar. I have thought up until now that all that mattered was my calories. Now it's getting more complicated than just calories.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member

    :heart: I definitely want to give a thumbs up to more natural fresh foods that you can put together than all the premade bars/crackers/drinks and such.

    I found that my body likes real food (feels more fueled and has an easier time digesting it!) and yeah it took alot of time to even want to do that instead of just buying slimfast and other products.. they promise so much!......I had to learn how because grocery stores and other places are jammed with the processed pre made stuff and they do a great job selling you on their "health" factor..

    But being patient is really important too. And go easy on yourself - it will all come together.

  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I always seem to go over on sugar guidelines
    ,, and that seems to keep weight on me. So if I really stick to the sugar guideline or go over 10-15 instead of 35 I seem to take at least a little weight off. Just some insight.

    I just went back and reviewed my diary and I found that I almost always am going over on sugar. I have thought up until now that all that mattered was my calories. Now it's getting more complicated than just calories.

    It is a bit more complicated but calories are by far the biggest factor. I wouldn't be too worried about sugar but I would advise to eat it only when eating one of your larger meals. I think the less blood glucose swings/insulin peaks you have during the day, the better for the optimal fat burning environment.
  • hbwarmsocks
    hbwarmsocks Posts: 4 Member
    Your question and the responses have been really helpful for me because I am in almost exactly the same boat here. This is day 6 for me. I notice I am feeling a lot better, but the scale sure isn't showing it. I guess I'll just ignore the scale for a while and keep on working the plan. Maybe by Mother's Day it will show me something positive.
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    Your question and the responses have been really helpful for me because I am in almost exactly the same boat here. This is day 6 for me. I notice I am feeling a lot better, but the scale sure isn't showing it. I guess I'll just ignore the scale for a while and keep on working the plan. Maybe by Mother's Day it will show me something positive.

    Hi there,

    It was about 10 days before the scale started to move for me. I was getting frustrated because I expected quick results. Just stick with it and it will work.
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