ockara Member


  • I run a cleaning business so I spend 4-10 hrs per day cleaning! Fun. 3x a week I do HIIT on the treadmill, deadlifts, thrusters,squats, weighted rows, bench press and then walk a few miles the other days
  • What about healthy fats too, they are very important for skin(hair/nails). That may be another reason for the hair loss. The GNC 100% Whey Protein Isolate is good, I'd mix it with water though.
  • Absolutely!
  • Yea, USDA food guide makers are definitely a major conflict of interest. Big surprise! http://networkedblogs.com/lMhWu
  • Just buy the plain and if you get Fat Free there will be more sugar than a 2% Fat choice as well. Depends how tight you are trying to be with your sugar I guess.
  • Roasted sweet pot are my favorite. I peel them, slice them into thick rounds, toss in coconut oil, sprinkle with sea salt and cinnamon, toss them in the oven at 400 for 20-25 min, they are yummy!!! Last night I made sweet potato brownies for the fam, they were devoured! so good! heres the link…
  • Obviously everyone has different ideas of clean eating, for me its just meat/veggies/fruit/clean oils/nuts & seeds. Everything should be as close to its natural state or you should be able to eat it from its natural state. I started with marksdailyapple.com a few years ago, there is a ton of info
    in clean eating Comment by ockara July 2012
  • It will totally depend on your workout routine and body composition too. I'm 5'10'' also, but I expect when I'm 174 I'll be in a 10 US. When I was 220 I was in a 14
    in Tall girls! Comment by ockara July 2012
  • Stuffed peppers, zucchini/spaghetti squash spaghetti, zucchini lasagna, roast with onions/carrots, tacos wrapped in lettuce, salmon/sweet pot/broccoli, Steak with roasted brussel sprouts, big salad with only olive oil, fish tacos(wrapped in lettuce), stuffed sweet potatoes, stuffed zucchini, portabello mushroom pizzas. I…
  • more about it: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/03/30/beware-of-the-agave-nectar-health-food.aspx
  • Yep, it isn't awesome at all! Stick to raw honey if you need sweet IMO
  • I agree, you don't need breakfast. Eat when you're hungry.
  • I have to agree with the others, don't limit yourself. I walk,jog,swim, strength train and clean houses 50 hours a week. Everyone is different but start with what you can do and push yourself a little more each time. :)
  • I don't agree with loading with carbs before a workout, you want your body to go into its fat stores for energy rather than use your carbs you just ingested. Most people I know eat protein before a workout or workout in a fasted state and then eat a sweet potato/or good carb with protein within a few hours of finishing the…
  • I probably consumed 300 before I went Paleo, its in everything! Now I try to stay between 50-100g, but all of my sugar comes from fruit and veggies now, nothing processed so I feel so much better.
  • Espresso in the am, water all day. I did do some lemons/limes/oranges/mint gently mashed in a big pitcher then water on top last week. It was a nice change. Sometimes hot tea at night.
  • Definitely, I also do IF's at least 1x a week to reset my system and give it a break. When I started eating clean, if I do cheat and have junk it doesn't even taste good anymore. My daughters birthday was last week and we decided to do cupcakes (the sugary ones) and we ended up throwing all the extras away.
  • I agree with stronglikebul, lenagains may be what you need and I've read plenty on marksdailyapple.com about carb-loading. All that info is free, I wouldn't waste the $, IMO.
  • I don't buy anything pre-made, lots of cooking at my house. My crockpot is my best friend!
  • Sweet potatos are amazing nutrient wise. A very good book to read is Sweet Potato Power.
  • You might want to look at L-Glutamine and Magnesium. I take both those along with my normal D3,Super B, Krill Oil supplements
    in supplements Comment by ockara July 2012
  • You may want to do an auto-immune protocol to get to the bottom of whats causing it. Could be dairy, gluten, too much fiber, amongst other things you're eating.
  • Love it!
  • I think you should follow your thirst too...some days I'm fine with 3 glasses, some days I'm drinking 15. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/8-glasses-of-water-a-day/#axzz21roHRxsR
  • I'm not sure about the sodium, but I know whole wheat bread spikes the blood sugar level so if you are eating a lot throughout the day that would be something to think about.
    in Bread Comment by ockara July 2012
  • They are awesome! Lucky you!!!
    in Raw Oysters Comment by ockara July 2012
  • Have you read It Starts With Food, or done a Whole 30, its a great way to get rid of cravings. Definitely agree that if one piece leads/triggers you to wanting more then don't buy it. I used to be like that with chocolate, did the Whole 30 and I've had a bar of 90% dark choc in my house for 2 months.
  • @srsteier...defensenutrition.com has an organic warrior whey from GF cows, no gmos,no soy, no hormones, etc. You may want to check it out.
  • Yea, I'd say depends on your own definition. Whole Wheat bread isn't clean to me, and I agree with the other recommendations too.
  • Usualy between 400-700, but I almost never eat lunch. I usally do 2 big meals and one snack.