brownju Member


  • I seem to do better if I really think out my plan of attack and all the details. I fantasize about how I will feel, what others might say, how I will be proactive in times of trouble. I dwell on this for days and sometimes even weeks before I actually TRY again. Seems nutty...but the last time I really did this I lasted…
  • I HAVE done this. Oh it is is terrible! Mornings I would think I didn't and the PB was left on the counter from the early morn hours. I would have a lil chat with myself when I was lying down about not eating. Sounds dumb but I would dwell on it over and over and it did help overall. if I wake up I tell myself to NOT EAT.…
  • WOW!!!!! No Kidding!!!! Thanks for sharing that!!!
  • That he does, that he does!!!
  • I just got the Zumba 2 for our Wii. You can personalize your workout by choosing the songs; each song tells you the level of intensity so you can scaffold your workout.
  • I will not give up, I really want to do this and keep with it; I appreciate all the support. I KNEW I would have some responses that would help set me in a direction worth taking. You better be sure in 2 weeks if I see NOTHING I will be on again! :) It is so difficult to NOT look at the scale and something I need to do far…
  • Thank you for the input...a scale will be my next purchase!
  • Any particular food scale? Or does it matter? As far as the medical...yes, I had a physical back in June and my thyroid levels are on the low end of the range. There is family history of thyroid problems. Nothing will be done with my thyroid since I am in the "acceptable zone".
  • I do not use a food scale. I just use measuring cups and when it comes to the meat I use my palm. If it is lunch meat I count out my slices. I have been eating 1700 calories LEAST 3 weeks.
  • Ditto. I add it as dance
    in Zumba?? Comment by brownju July 2012
  • Well you are taking the first step and you should feel good that you are. I was watching Extreme Makeover and basically they said something that made me go..."oh yeah, that makes sense" It was something like you can't change the people around you, you can only change yourself. So keep that in mind with your family...they…
  • I can't say I have any one thing. I have tried various forms of diets. I did Weight Watchers like 14 years ago when I was in high school. It was great. I measured everything out and walked 5 miles daily along with weights. Then I worked myself up to jogging 3 miles a day with weights. Then life happened...I got married and…
  • How THOUGHTFUL of you to reply just to be a jerk-off! Bite me! MFP needs less of your kind around, I joined MFP because I heard of all the supportive people; CLEARLY you are not one of them.... This is for "Rilike" I clearly don't know how to reply to just one quote :)....but I wanted you all to know it is not at…
  • Thanks! I appreciate the info and will read that up!
  • I say it doesn't matter when you work out. I have heard people that work out at night have trouble sleeping and I also have heard it helps them sleep. I think everyone is different. As far as breakfast goes...don't go without it!! Your body needs that jump start in the morning. I have read several places that when a person…
  • Maybe cadio-intense?
    in Zumba Comment by brownju June 2012
  • It seems soooo much easier for men to loose than women. Keep up the great work yourself and no doubt in the next 10-15 pounds people will start to notice....just give it a little bit!!
  • that is AWESOME!! Keep posting your progress!!
  • Jen, glad we all have one another on this journey!!
  • I would love to help in ANY way I can...we all need eachother!!:smile:
  • Try for some great ideas.