

  • Thank you's! Appreciate it :smile: Ever since ive goten a HRM I feel like I have to use it all the time now!! :laugh: Makes me feel better to know how many calories ive burned, plus it even makes me work harder! Just thought i'd ask though because i know theres alot to be said on how HRM calorie counts arnt accurate for…
  • I dont have any advice, but I will say I have the exact.same.problem..... It really sucks :( I've read on ways to "curb" cravings, etc.... But I feel at times I have no control and question just like you. Sometimes My considerations arn't healthy ones either! Good luck tho!!
  • thank you all for the responses! Appreciate it :)
  • so you think its safe to say i can trust the calorie count even if it wasn't just all based on my cardio that day? :)
  • Oh just too add i WEAR the heartstrap every single time :)
  • Thank you Nicole! and everyone for responding!!!! So basically if i burn 600 calories and at the end of the day my total calorie intake is at 1800, but net is at 1200... i shouldn't let myself go into panic mode :embarassed: I will still successfully lose weight? And I don't really have a "goal" weight... I just feel…
  • Thanks ladybug1620... sorry if I'm seeming quiet stupid! (I feel it) lol :(
  • sorry one more thing! I just checked my settings (i usually use the MFP app) and when i went into my settings I chose the number of calories consumed, it didnt seem to effect which X amount of pounds i wanted to lose per week either? Ughh this is frustrating!
  • I also use a heart rate monitor when i work out to clock calories burned
  • woah. still SO confused!!! My Net should be 0? But say like right now ive eatin 265 calories (and have not yet gone to the gym) So it says i still have 935 cals left.... which that number will go up after the gym - bringing my NET calories up to 1200 by the end of the day... are you saying NET should be 0 if i was to…