Hey everyone... sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I went to the Search and typed in "P90X"... 50 pages of stuff came up, went through the first 10 pages trying to find the answer but couldn't/ wasn't sure if they questions were the same as mine or what and now i have a terrible headache from staring at this screen for too long! :ohwell:

So I was just wondering again about HRM.... I know there good to use them for the cardio workouts in P90X, but was wondering if its acceptable to use them during the weight/even yoga videos? Because i know i dont burn the 700-800 calories said to be burned, because i HAVE used it, so should i track the number on my HRM or just nothing at all?

Thanks in advance :)

OH! also. Whats "bump" mean and how do you do it to posts? :blushing:


  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    The weight videos are about half the calories burned. i use "strength training" in the cardio section for discs 3 and 5 to log it (the estimate is about right). Disc 1 (chest/back) is much more pushups/pullups, so I use calisthentics (sp?) vigorous effort for those. But obviously a HRM is the best way. You DEFINITELY need to log it somehow though.

    "bump" can mean 2 things - saving a topic for later (it appears on your profile feed), or to "bump" the topic so it appears in the most-recently active topics

    **EDIT - If you have a HRM for the cardio stuff - use it for the strength stuff. It should not affect your performance in the exercises.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I use my HRM for all of the P90x workouts. Find it helps me better know how many calories I am burning rather than relying on the MFP numbers.

    As for "bump." It's a place-holder. A way for people to find posts that they are interested in. By simply writing "bump" it will be put into your recent posts folder and it will be easier to find for reading later. It took me awhile to figure it out.
  • niicolee254
    niicolee254 Posts: 13
    Thank you's! Appreciate it :smile:

    Ever since ive goten a HRM I feel like I have to use it all the time now!! :laugh: Makes me feel better to know how many calories ive burned, plus it even makes me work harder! Just thought i'd ask though because i know theres alot to be said on how HRM calorie counts arnt accurate for weight training!