HRM and weight lifting...

Hello everyone! So question, I KNOW a Heart rate monitor is used specifically for cardio workouts, but i still have a few questions.

I have one that tells me how many calories ive burned, its not a fancy expensive one, its actually a "Smart Health" one, but when i bought it i wasn't looking for anything extreme. Anyways i really enjoy it, i find it makes me work harder when im not "in the zone"

For me in the zone is 132- 162
and 162 + is above!

1st question - "in the zone" is for "fat burning right? So if i have the last 10-15 pounds to loose which zone would be better?

2 - Can i wear my HRM while i clean the house or go for a brisk walk? (I have been because i like to see how many calories ive burned) But can i trust the number. I know its probably not EXACT but a pretty good basic assumption? The watch has all my info, weight, height, gender, age, activity level, etc

3 - Now for the weight lifting question. I have noticed the lower my heart rate the longer it takes to burn calories according to the calorie counter. The higher my heart rate the faster i burn, etc. So I'll do my cardio and burn 300 calories (with my HR usually between 157-170) then i go do weights for say an hour and my heart rate is usually anywhere from 105-125 depending on what i am doing! Now at the end of some of my workouts ive almost burned 500 calories(sometimes more, sometimes less depending on how long im on the floor for) according to the HRM. I wanted to know if that number is acceptable to put into my exercise, because even though i know the HRM is for cardio, the CC still slows down as soon as my heart rate does.....

Thanks everyone :)


  • niicolee254
    niicolee254 Posts: 13
    Oh just too add i WEAR the heartstrap every single time :)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    As long as your heart rate is up you are burning more calories than usual.

    I think 500 cal is good for the weight training because your muscles will continue to burn long after you are done working out (they have to heal and replenish stores).
  • niicolee254
    niicolee254 Posts: 13
    so you think its safe to say i can trust the calorie count even if it wasn't just all based on my cardio that day? :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Fat burning zone is bull S%^t, and should be ignored. The higher your HR the more calories you burn. In the zone you burn slightly higher % calories from fat, but you burn far less caloires therefore less caloires from fat.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    couple of things about HRM's.

    generally, the ones you wear with a chest strap aren't sensitive enough to use during normal daily activity, I.E. things that don't raise your heart beat up over about 50% or so. So I wouldn't be all that confident in the number you receive from it for house work unless it's extremely vigorous house work.

    forget the "zone" that's a myth. Yes you burn a higher percentage of fat in the moderate HR zones, but the total fat burned for a given period of time is usually higher for higher HR's than when you're in the zone. So percentage, yes, you burn more fat, but total fat burned (which, in reality, is all we care about) is more for higher heart rates.

    about resistance (weight training)

    Because of the nature of how muscles recover from weight training, much of the metabolic rise is AFTER the exercise is done, as opposed to cardio where the metabolic work is done while in the exercise. I.E. your body has to repair the muscles you worked out from resistance, and this can take days, during that time you'll burn extra calories, so an HRM will drastically under report your calorie burn for weight training over a 24 to 48 hour period.
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    I use my numbers from my HRM for my cardio and my training session....
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    I wear mine for weight days as well. I also track my low, high intensity numbers too. I do like super sets or jumping jacks or any thing that will get my heart rate up in between sets, high knees, running place and kick box moves lol

    After I am done with that I do 20-30 of cardio HIIT and I count it all!! You earn the burn girl, count them! Sounds like you are very aware of how your body is working and what you are burning so I say do it :tongue:
  • niicolee254
    niicolee254 Posts: 13
    thank you all for the responses! Appreciate it :)