MrsSnelly Member


  • See if you can find a chiropractor in your area, preferably one with experience working with athletes. Running is hard on your body, and sometimes things just get "out of wack," so it's important to get regular adjustments and make sure your joints are aligned properly so you don't cause long-term damage. I think you're…
  • I would love to hear any good, healthy recipes! I don't want to sound like a salesperson, but I love Pampered Chef cookbooks - they have nutrition information, and a couple of their cookbooks are geared specifically for healthy cooking. I just made "Caprese Pizzas" the other night, with a SUPER yummy "Glazed Chicken and…
  • OK, I just found another discussion on this group board that says to eat back about half of your exercise calories, otherwise you are at risk of your body going into "starvation mode" and holding onto everything. Check it out, it's explained pretty well there by people who seem to know what they are talking about. The…
  • I'm in the same boat; I find that I do tend to eat back most of my exercise calories, but I have no idea if that helps or hinders. Everyone keeps telling me to go off how my clothes fit, or take measurements rather than just look at the scale. I understand all that, but it's still frustrating to see those numbers going…
  • Hello! I am on again off again as well, mostly tracking calories and cardio exercise. I find myself eating better when I am consistently tracking, but it's hard to stick with the calorie goals. I like the forums and community groups since there are lots out there to help set goals and be accountable for them. I would love…
  • C++, I think? It's not English, that's for sure! hahaha I'm one of those whose eyes glaze over immediately after asking how his latest project is going . . . I try to be supportive of his work, and he knows I don' t understand it, so we get along great! :wink: I've tried the hints bit, and it definitely doesn't sink in;…
  • I don't usually add male friends, as I'm married and don't want to get anyone sketchy on my friends list. However, you sound a lot like my husband in terms of lifestyle - he too is a software programmer and addicted to caffeine; something about the lifestyle, huh?! I would love to hear how you are beating the cravings,…
  • Me too!! Today is day 3 on level 1 for me; I'm a little sore, but not so much that I can't work out. I will tell you though, the push ups are what kill me! I hope to see results with it; I'm trying to be lots better about my eating too, so hopefully the combination will help. Good luck to all of us!
  • Going great so far, I made my goal last week, ran 9 miles. This week will be tough, I'm off for a vacation with the hubby tomorrow and there isn't a workout facility at the hotel; we're taking the 2 older kids to the waterpark before we leave though, and I'll get a run in the morning too. Maybe I'll squeeze a run in…
  • I made 10 miles the first week, with C25K walk/run intervals. I'm finally working up to the longer runs, so maybe we'll see my distance increase eventually - right now I average 3 miles a run, which is more than I thought I'd be able to do when I started 4 months ago! For the elliptical trainer, I'm not entirely sure how…
  • These look like some great goals, I am way excited to see how many are going above and beyond, to 2 miles a day - that is amazing! I admit I didn't get a run in this morning, due to being laid low with a migraine last night, but I'll get in the strength training I missed yesterday, and put in some time on the elliptical…
  • I think the technical comparison is 5K = 3.2 miles; this is pretty close to what I run/walk 3-4 times a week. Right now I do intervals between walking and running, but I hope that in a week or two I'll be up to running the whole distance. Good for you setting goals, keep at it!
  • OK, I just created a group for this, called "August Mile-A-Day Challenge". Any who are interested are welcome to join, it's open to all!
  • There was a "31 miles in July" challenge group that I had joined, and then couldn't finish because of some health issues. I'm back to regular workout schedules now, so that might be a fun one. The goal was 31 miles throughout the month, walking, running, biking, swimming, whatever your preferred exercise is. I'll take a…
  • I like that you want people to check in every other day - maybe I can get back into a routine of logging in daily! This sounds like a great challenge to me, as I've recently set a goal for myself anyway. I've had to take a couple weeks off for health reasons, but am anxious to get back into working out. So here's my goal:…
  • I'm at 13 miles so far for the month; my goal is to run 10 miles next week. :)
  • 10 miles so far this month
    in Day 11 Comment by MrsSnelly July 2012
  • I agree with everyone who said to go to a running store and have your running stride/gait analyzed to see what type of shoe you need. But after that, once you find the type/style that works for your feet, find them on sale at a department store or other chain-type sporting goods store; you can often find last year's model…
  • Remember, too, that weight lifting builds muscle mass which could explain why the scale temporarily goes up. Keep with it!
  • I've been stuck on week 5 for so long, with not being consistent in my workouts, etc. So I signed up for our local city celebration 5K this weekend, and will do my wk5d3 then. I have a friend I run it with, so I think we can keep each other going. I don't expect my full 5K time to be stellar, my goal for the end of the…
    in C25K Wk5? Comment by MrsSnelly June 2012
  • Week 1 goal of 10 miles walk/jog intervals; spread out in 2.5 mile stretches over 4 days.
  • Right now I do a walk/jog interval workout (C25K) 3-4 days a week, about 2.5 miles each workout. So that would average out about 31 miles over the whole month, but since I'm working on increasing my endurance as well as getting faster (therefore going farther in the same time limit), hopefully it will actually be more.
  • Everyone's definition of running vs. jogging will be a little different. I consider myself a runner, but my friend who runs a 5ish minute mile would not call what I do running. It depends on where you are individually, and what your goals are. I started a walk/jog program in March (basically a couch-to-5K) but it's taking…
    in Slow Jog? Comment by MrsSnelly June 2012
  • Try edamame (soy beans). They're super quick, easy, and yummy. I get mine at Costco, in a huge bag full of little bags that make it easy to cook just a little at a time. Very low cal, and healthy. That is the time of day when my sweet tooth rears it's ugly head, so I have to resist the urge to bake or something. Hot…
  • So sorry you had a rough weekend!! I'm definitely an emotional eater too; acknowledging it is a huge step, I think. It helps to be able to think about why you are eating, and identify the emotions that cause you to eat. I know how easily I fall into the cycle of frustration -> eating -> guilt -> more eating. One thing that…
  • I just sent you a friend request; I'm a SAHM of 3 myself, 5-yo b/g twins and a 2-yo boy. It's a crazy life, and I love it! Except for the fact that I'm starting to get that "frumpy mom" look, and am trying to trim up. Good luck with your goals, what kind of exercise do you do? I started jogging a few months ago, and do the…
    in Mom of 2 Comment by MrsSnelly June 2012
  • Ugh, I had this whole great thoughtful response all typed up and my computer went wonky and lost it. :p I know where you're coming from, I definitely have frumpy days when I just want to stay in my sweats and hubby's t-shirt so no-one can see my shape. I'm also an emotional eater, and I think the first step to making…