allibinky Member


  • Thanks for the kind words, guys. I've now made it through 4 Ripped workouts without stopping. Lost a half inch in my waist and more than an inch in my, uh....handles :) I've never done the '30 Day Shred', was going to buy that one but Target was out so I picked 'Ripped in 30' instead. Thinking I'll grab it next time I see…
  • I LOVE canned tuna w/cottage cheese. I like to mix in a little bit of canned corn and eat it on top of a big bowl of baby spinach. The cottage cheese provides a sort of dressing for my salad, and it's so darn healthy!
  • I'm in! Fell off the wagon for a (long) while but am ready to try again. Sounds fun.
  • I'm in! I've been pretty good about fast food in the last few months (hard when I'm on the road with work), but the pre-made stuff at the supermarket, or airport delis, is hard to avoid. I *will* do better! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Think I might have finally shaken this flu. I've been baking up a storm this week and keep finding myself snacking on raw dough. No clue how much of it I've eaten, so I'm not sure how to track it. Have tried to eat normal amounts at other times and hope for the best. Between frantic housework and being ill, I'm down 4…
  • Hi Everybody! Had jury duty this week, so my exercise has been nearly zero. Did manage to drop a pound, but my measurements haven't changed. Looking forward to a sunny weekend so I can get outside and move! December 1: 147 December 6: 145 December 13: 144 December 20: December 27: December 31:
  • Plain, on a baked potato, or (my favorite) with tuna and no-salt-added canned corn, all mixed in with baby spinach and salad veggies. Is creamy enough to satisfy my ranch-dressing craving.
  • I'm 5'4" and 145# (as of this morning). My target is 130# and I allow 1320 net calories a day. I tried 1200 but the weigh wasn't shifting. At a desk most of the day so my activity level is set at sedentary.
  • Hi Everybody! Have had a nasty cold all week so I've been moving a little slow and had almost no exercise. Must be doing something right because I'm down 2 pounds from last week. December 1: 147 December 6: 145 December 13: December 20: December 27: December 31: url=] [/url]…
  • A bit late to the party, hope that's okay. I did W1D1 this morning. Felt good, mostly. I definitely need to get some new running shoes. I used the Robert Ullrey podcast and the 20 minutes flew by.
  • Hi Everybody. Sorry I'm a bit late to the party. I'm in for 5 pounds in December. Just started C25K this morning. December 1: 148 Target Weight: 130