Lose 5 pounds a month December 2010 CHALLENGE



  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Happy December Everyone!!!! Well here we go again lol, my challenge is the same.....to stay at my goal weight of 119 pounds that I reached mid August ....I weighed in this morning at 120.5 pounds and would be really happy to still be that on 12/31/10 :bigsmile: but will try for 119 :happy: Good Luck to you all
  • Really hoping to just maintain for the month, but will take any loss a can get!

    SW: 189.0
    GW: 184.0
  • mom2teebee
    mom2teebee Posts: 76 Member
    Hi! I would love to join. I really need to do something because my weight has been going in the opposite direction than it should be. I need some motivation to get myself back on track. My starting weight today was 191. I was aiming for 4lbs, but what is 1 more lb?
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hi everybody. It's great to see old faces and new ones. I'm excited about December. This month I'm finishing up my classes in school. It's crazy so I won't be on much until after the semester is over. Also, I have to move soon. My goal is to maintain for the first part of December, then slim down to ring in the New Year somewhere in the 130s. Hello new me!

    Dec 1: 142.3

    :sick: Tonight I've got the creeping crud sneaking up on me--scratchy throat, headache, burning eyes, general tiredness. I'm going to bed early.

    Good luck everyone!
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    wednesday 1st december : 109.3 pounds

    aim 105!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello gang!

    I am really proud of myself! I got up early again today to workout and I even feel a little sore from yesterday morning, but a good kind of sore. I know that this is only day two of my new workout goal of exercising in the morning, but I feel really good about it and have been strong in the food/temptation department also. I finally feel like I am getting back to the way things went a year ago when I lost most of my lost weight (lost 25, then maintained for a year while trying to lose the 2nd half of my weight) I really hope that I will be at my goal by next summer and think I will make July 1 as my goal weight target date.
    Yesterday I walked on my lunch break and hope to keep that up the rest of the week plus, as long as the sky stays clear for me. I don't mind walking in rain, but when I have to go back to work after it doesn't seem smart. The wet dog look is not so cute! :wink:

    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Stop right now and drink some water... I'll wait!
    :drinker: Cheers
  • Hello everyone, I hoping for good lost this month, I been stuck between 190-193 for the last month. I was 187, somehow I havent seen that again...hopefully I cant make it to 185, thats a little more than 5 pounds, but Im hoping my body will release these unwanted pounds

    Dec 1st 193
  • allibinky
    allibinky Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Everybody. Sorry I'm a bit late to the party.

    I'm in for 5 pounds in December. Just started C25K this morning.

    December 1: 148

    Target Weight: 130
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I did weigh myself on Dec 1st, but am only posting now.

    My current weight is 155.75, which is a 3.25 loss for November, and a goal weight of 150.75 for Jan 1st...

    I'll aim for the loss, but as long as I don't have to post a gain for Dec, then I will still consider it a success.

    Off to pick up the kids at daycare, gotta run.

    PS. For those who are familiar with the daycare dropoff story from last month, Kara is now on day 3 with no crying at dropoff. [That's 3 for 3! She wasn't at daycare the last few days, since she was home sick, but she was back today, and no crying! :bigsmile: Is it too early to get my hopes up that it's for keeps? please please! :happy: ]
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Evening all...just Dec. 2nd and already sooo busy....heading out to help my mom with her (and some of my) Christmas shopping tomorrow, been busy doing some decorating but soo much more to go.....hope everyone is well.....my goal for the month -- 2lb loss to be 169....know it sounds a bit weak, but I am being realistic...a lot of parties to go to and just holiday time in general...would love to enter a cartoon character but no clue how to do so...I wouldn't picked cinderella......
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Okay, new month, new commitment. Let's do it!
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    I've started December feeling very motivated, in November I kept slacking on my exercise and kept snacking on chocolate :grumble: I havent bought an advent calendar this year so I'm very proud of myself :smooched:

    Plus, I've been off school for the past three days because of the snow here in England..where I live it's around 6 inches :noway: I havent seen as much snow as this in my life!! But, it's a good thing for my exercise as I have to walk everywhere and have had more time to fit in my workouts :drinker:

    I can't believe it's December already..that means I've been on MyFitnessPal for nearly 5 months :bigsmile:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, first weigh-in for December and really pleased i'm at 119.5 so very nearly back at goal weight of 119 Yayyy.......just got to stay there lol.

  • dvanrose
    dvanrose Posts: 21 Member
    Starting weight : 155 (December 1)
    December Goal: 150
    Final goal: 140
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    So I was up this entire past week due to darn sodium :grumble: .. I was as high as 205.8 at one point. After having a full weekend from home and no choice on food and NO exercise 201.6 stayed around. :indifferent: I checked everyday and it was the same. SO I weighed in Wed at 201.6... this morning, :happy: 197.6 baby!!! With all the holiday parties coming up ( I have 4!!), I don't plan on losing a lot, but any loss is better than a gain. I maintained last month and if I do it again, I will be ok with that. Even though I'd like to ring in the New Year at :love: 190..but if not, that's ok too!

    Dec 1st 201.6
    Dec 3rd 197.6
    Dec 10th
    Dec 17th
    Dec 24th
    Dec 31st
  • tewcliff
    tewcliff Posts: 4 Member
    I forgot to log it on here, but I was 156.4 on Wednesday Dec 1...GW for Dec: 150...Final Goal Weight: 135.

    To all of the ladies trying to start a new morning workout- Go for it! Good for you!!
    I started an early morning bootcamp 5 days a week three weeks ago. It's from 6:15-700am which means I am up at 530a. Historically, I am a late night person so I was afraid to even try the early early morning thing. I can happily report after three weeks, that my body is actually waking me up BEFORE my alarm now! Crazy...
    I have so much positive energy all day long because of the early morning exercise endorphins and just the fact that I know I did a workout. My only frustration is that I started the bootcamp at 156, and I am-three weeks later-still at 156. I know that I am exchanging fat for muscle, but the scale part is still a frustration...I will get measured after my first month of bootcamp in another week and will share my results. Hopefully there will be some pounds, but I might have to be happy with inches instead.
    Anyone happen to know when you stop building muscle and that muscle starts to translate into some weight loss? I know I shouldn't be so hung up on the scale, but I am. The scale feels like more tangible results to me....

    Thanks, keep it going everyone, and good luck on your December goals,
  • tewcliff
    tewcliff Posts: 4 Member
    With Thanksgiving in there, I certainly wouldn't consider 2.5lbs a failure--I think that's a great job! Keep it up! :)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Dec 1st 150.2
    Dec 3rd 148.2
    Dec 10th
    Dec 17th
    Dec 24th
    Dec 31st

    I seem to lose and regain this same two pounds every week. I must stay strong over the weekend.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I am a little sad that I needed to change my weight today, Friday after Thanksgiving I was trying to think that my gain was due to TOM and sodium so I didn't report the gain to my ticker but now that is has been a week it is oh so clear what really happened (30 lbs lost down to 27 lbs lost). On the brite side I might be up from November, but I'm still down a little bit from my December 1st weight. I have been working out in the morning (today was day 3! yay) and I have been really enjoying the rest of my day more with a workout in. Makes me feel great to be doing exercise again and I love that sore feeling all over showing me I am doing something great for my body!
    I also get hung up on the scale but I am trying to remember that it has only been 3 days of my new routine and I did show some loss. Plus I have been doing great on my healthy eating, which is a success. My boyfriend and our two kids boycotted dinner last night, which hurt my feelings a little bit. But I guess now I know that I need to play with the recipe a bit, although I liked it...

    Anyway, here is my info:

    Dec 1st 154
    Dec 3rd 153.7
    Dec 10th
    Dec 17th
    Dec 24th
    Dec 31st

  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    IM IN AGAIN!!!!

    Well everyone I still have not got any batteries for my scale time is so short right now I would have gone today but i have to babysit my cousins since my grandpa had open heart surgery and him and my grandma raise them.

    I have No hopes of losing anything this month Im counting on another maintain this month but starting january 4th i will be going to classes tuesdays and thursdays from nine to noon so hopefully at noon on those days i will hit the gym because I will have time since i wont work those days. then i will head home and have a shower and start on my online class. It isn't clear yet if i can do this but it seems really possible.

    I am happy to report that i have lost 30 pounds in the last 14 months WITHOUT Exercising! and I really really hope to Lose the next 30 to 40 by this summer since i will have plenty of time to exercise ...hopefully... lol.
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