Lose 5 pounds a month December 2010 CHALLENGE



  • goldilocks007
    I have been out of town and forgot to post weight on Wed. I am starting at 200 and would like to weigh 195 at the end of the month
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Hi all, just wanted to drop by for a fast HI!!!! have been thinking of you all but as everyone know, holiday time is crazy....hope you are enjoying the weekend...CHOW!!!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I just wanted to share that my hubby is seeming to be more supportive of my healthier eating! He took me out for my birthday dinner last night, and actually chose a specific restaurant because he knew I could still have something super yummy there, and stick to my sugar-free diet (make that sugar and foods that turn into sugar -free diet). I had chicken souvlaki and greek salad. My special treat was pita with hummus.

    My mom is visiting and I'm trying to win her over to my way of eating, bit by bit. She's a carb-aholic (potatoes, bread, pasta, etc) and is also diabetic, so this way of eating would really help her.
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    hey everybody... getting ready to go for a run in a bit. This holiday stuff is rough, yesterday was BAD, but today's been better :)
  • shorthand73
    shorthand73 Posts: 118 Member
    Hello ~ I've been MIA again. December has already been a crazy month. I will be ecstatic if I can just maintain.

    The last few days have been a bit chaotic. On Thursday night, we were heading out the door to go to a local sporting event when my two year old daughter got her finger smashed in the door.:sad: It cut through on either side of her nail, and the base of her nail 'popped up' through the skin and was/is exposed. (nail bed avulsion, the doctor called it) Poor kiddo. She is a tough little cookie, but has definitely been in some pain in the last couple of days. Needless to say, the last couple of days have been consumed by 'nursing' duties and all things weight-loss have taken a back seat - I guess I'll just pick up when things get back to 'normal'.

    Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Holiday season!

  • AmandaB4588
    Hey all! I am in again. I am starting the month off at 154..... 4 pounds up, AHHH!
  • Sarah31210
    deffintly in! I usually gain weight durring the holidays but this year, im not going to let all the food get the better of me! (i have a massive family and they all love to cook..its not gunna be easy!! lol) im starting this month at 186
  • sk4399
    sk4399 Posts: 96
    163 on 12/2/10, I'm in : )
  • lillmssy
    This sounds great!! I just joined so this is my 1st challenge.
  • lillmssy
    sk4399.....noticed you lost 10pds last month.....that's GREAT!
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Hello everyone, I am in again. Weight on Dec. 1st 213.5(4lbs gain from thanksgiving.

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Welcome to the newfolks!
    I was really strong today at my daughter's friend's birthday party, put gum in my mouth and stuck to water! Earlier today I was going to walk with my mom and my kiddos (one of which took off part of his finder last year, don't worry she should heal fine-scary for mom tho :flowerforyou: ) but that plan got rained out. Instead of giving up we went to a empty multi purpose room and moved for 30 mins. Ran, jumped, danced, whatever, but we moved and I was really proud of us that we did it. I went over on calories last night but I had extra water and the caories were healthy at least. Today I have been really good as well and feel like I am starting to get back into the healthy grove that I have been chacing for many many months.
    Good night and healthy thoughts to you all. :smile:

    ps I am down a little on the scale so I am going to change my ticker early :devil:
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    12/01- 168.2
    12/06- 168.0

    Only 4.8lbs to go! :laugh:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Hey all, I've now made it through 3 weeks of sugar-free. Ok, well, let me qualify that a bit before you all go thinking I'm doing this perfectly. I have had some sugar, but a LOT less than 'usual', so I'm still feeling very positive about the whole thing. I know when I stick with it, that I feel better and have fewer cravings. Yesterday my downfall was not packing enough snacks for my afternoon shopping trip. I went too long without eating, and whammo - the cravings were back. I indulged, but limited the free-fall, and am back on track today.

    Jenn, I know what you mean about feeling like you're back in the groove. You're doing so great with your exercise! That will be my next challenge. I'm not completely there, but I am doing better than I had been for the last few months. I was completely motivated over the summer, then kind of fell apart in the fall. Now, I feel like I'm making progress again, which is a good feeling.

    I couldn't sleep last night, so after laying in bed awake for over an hour, I got up and watched a few TV shows I had recorded on the PVR. I'm pretty much expecting today to be difficult.
  • lisafrancis629
    Hey everyone. Today is my official weigh-in day and let me tell you, it was a lot better than last Monday's weigh-in! Thanksgiving weekend was not good for me but I got back on track as soon as I got home. Here's my loss so far:

    Dec 1 - 194.8
    Dec 6 - 192.0

    -2.8 loss

    Even though I'm halfway to the 5 lb goal, I'm not getting too excited cause I know what's coming. My family comes to my house on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so I was going over the menus last night. On Christmas Eve we are having all kinds of appetizers and pick-ups because family and friends come in and out at different times all day long so there is no way to have a sit down type meal. Yes, I'll have some healthy options but I need willpower to stay away from the Mexican dip and sausage cheese balls. :blushing: Christmas Day is a big salad, lasagne, garlic bread and dessert. Hopefully, eating lots of salad first with help me with this meal.

    Good luck to everyone and I hope you're having a successful month so far. :flowerforyou:
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone just stopping in real quick before i go pay bills haha

    well yesterday was my weigh in and i FINALLY got batteries for my scale and I was amazed at what it said after almost two months stuck at 164 the scale last Night told me ....

    161.4!!!! Yay finally out of that rut. Now im really hoping to get into the 150's before the end of december since my original goal was to be below 152 by the end of the year. I did alright and should be around 137-140 ish by my birthday ... not where i was hoping to be but it will work because i will be at goal by the end of the summer if i keep this up. : )
  • sharmonesq
    sharmonesq Posts: 113 Member
    Is it too late to join? I have recently got back on the wagon so to speak and really need a challenge to motivate me. I weighed in today at 165.5. Although I know this is a 5 lb challenge, I'd really like to loose 6 so I can be under 160 on New Years Day!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Never too late :) If you lose more or less, what matters is being healthier :) Welcome to the group!! Feel free to express yourself, too! Whether it's a story about your journey or your life outside of MFP, we're always here to listen.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Morning friends,

    I was thinking about drinks during the holidays and I think that was my biggest issue last year. I would much rather have the food than the drinks so I am going to make a new goal. No drinks until new years eve! I will let myself drink on new years eve, but no drinks for me on Christmas. I always think just one small bit of fudge, just one glass of wine, just one slice of cake, handful of m&m's, ect ect ect and it all adds up so fast! I will eat from the veggie tray at parties until the meal, let myself eat what is served (keeping small portions) and indulge a bit on my favorites and some goodies. Taking out the drinks will save me lots of calories. A friend a while back told me "there will always be more______ next time. Be it a cupcake or a yearly glass of egg nog, other years other times I can have the fill in the blank food. This is the year I am making it to my goal. Next year after I am at my goal I can have the drinks and the fudge, this year I will enjoy the holiday for what it is really about, spending time with my loved ones. I might not hold true to this pledge, but I will sure try!

    I also set my computer alarm today. Every 3 hours a bell will sound and a note will pop up saying "snack time, lunch time, snack time, get ready to go home" that way working through my meals and snacks wont be as easy to do. Only day one but I hope this helps me stay on track. I have found that one busy days I don't eat lunch until 2:30 sometimes. Breakfast for me is at 7 am, so 7 1/2 hours is a long time between meals. No wonder I was snacking at night! I read that even if you eat a healthy dinner the chance for late night snacking is much higher if you skip or go to long between meals. So I hope that this helps.

    :drinker: Drink a glass of water right NOW! And have a great day!
  • missdiva2000
    Hello everyone, I hoping for good lost this month, I been stuck between 190-193 for the last month. I was 187, somehow I havent seen that again...hopefully I cant make it to 185, thats a little more than 5 pounds, but Im hoping my body will release these unwanted pounds

    Dec 1st 193
    Dec 6th 191