Lose 5 pounds a month December 2010 CHALLENGE



  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Try not to worry about what he can't do yet. I would just make sure you read to him every night. Everyone has a learning level of their own, these things will come with time. But reading to him (IMO) is very important. It is a nice time to cuddle and bond as well, so it will be good for you both. :flowerforyou: They grow so fast don't they?
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Try not to worry about what he can't do yet. I would just make sure you read to him every night. Everyone has a learning level of their own, these things will come with time. But reading to him (IMO) is very important. It is a nice time to cuddle and bond as well, so it will be good for you both. :flowerforyou: They grow so fast don't they?
    I 100% agree with this!!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    hey thanks guys : ) ya i agree about sitting and reading to them I used to read to my sister every night but for some reason i haven't read to my kids all that much at all. This is something i do need to work on im actually getting a book case to go in my living room right where its easily accessible so that will help : )

    as far as weight goes this morning i was back down to 161.8 so getting out of the 160's this month is still looking good : )
  • Hey everyone! I apologize for being MIA. I had my last final last week, and I was also REALLY sick during it! I ran around doing holiday shopping this weekend, and this week is my last week with my nephew. :sad: He will be going to day care full time as my school schedule no longer allows me to watch him. I am so sad!!

    My weight has held steady at 150.0 for the past week. I am not sure why it always stalls the moment before I am about to hit a new 10's. It has to be mental, right?? Either way, I am chugging the water today in hopes to see 149.9 tomorrow morning. That .1 lb is really all I need to lose to get a huge boost!!

    I agree that reading to kids is SO important. I am actually heading a project with my local schools this semester to get kids reading. I could go on and on about this but I won't!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    To those who are losing this month congratulations. To those who are maintaining congratulations also. Not gaining but staying the same was part of the challenge. I was down a few last week because I was not feeling well but have been peeking and know it is back up to about where I started this month. I knew that would happen but still disappointing when it does.

    It has been below zero a few mornings in a row here. And even with that temp I see people out jogging. I wish I could find that time and dedication. Or maybe they are just plain crazy and I should be happy that I am "sane" :huh:

    Take care of yourselves!

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    AMANDA! Yay, glad you came back, sorry you didn't feel good but happy to have you return to our group.

    Terri, :laugh: I kinda wish I was one of the crazy people who go out for a run when it is way to cold out.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Terri >> Keep your sanity... I try my best not to even go outside when its that cold let alone run walk or do any kind of activitie besides getting into my car or a building as fast as humanly possible. : ) LOL did i mention how much I HATE HATE HATE cold!!!

    sorry just lurking in the shaddows no real updates or anything
  • Dec 1st 193
    Dec 6th 191
    Dec 15th 190
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    I managed to shed the weight I gained on thanksgiving and back to wt I weigh last month

    213.5 ( 4lbs gain from thanksgiving)
  • dvanrose
    dvanrose Posts: 21 Member
    Hey challenge groupies! It's time to update my progress, and I am thankful it is good! I credit this all to knowing I check in with you guys and I don't want to "flunk out" of the group so it helps me stick with my counting and making good food choices. Your successes give me hope!

    December 1: 155
    December 7: 154
    December 14: 152
    December 21:
    December 28:

    Starting Weight - 180
    Ultimate Goal - 140
  • mom2teebee
    mom2teebee Posts: 76 Member
    Dec. 1: 191
    Dec. 8: 188.2
    Dec. 15: 182.8

    I lost 6 lbs this week and 8.2 so far for the month. Thrilled with this week. I haven't been working out, but I did get the Christmas decorations up so maybe that helped?
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Dec 1st: 204.0 lbs
    Dec 6th: 204.0 lbs
    Dec 15th: 203.4 lbs
    Dec 20th:
    Dec 27th:
    Dec 31st:

    I gained a few ounces since last Friday when I peeked before heading to my parents for the weekend. However I'm not complaining since I did drink alcohol on Saturday night & wasn't home for any of my meals the entire weekend. Also yesterday I ate out for both lunch & dinner, had a beer AND an ice cream cone too....so I'd say I'm doing good considering...oh plus all the Christmas cookies over the weekend! :laugh:

    The Christmas party for my dad's company was a blast. CJ had a great time! My pic is of us!

    Congrats to everyone on your losses! Its looking like a good month so far!

    As for the running outside in the cold...that is definitely not for me! I miss running....I am not a treadmill runner & I don't do very good running the track at the gym either. I need to just suck it up & get on my treadmill & do it! I miss warm weather already!
  • angelbabe77
    angelbabe77 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in :) I need to start somewhere. I just started on this on Monday and I hope that I stick with it.
  • onebusychic
    onebusychic Posts: 8 Member
    I'd lke to join if it's not too late? I am down 4 pounds since starting this month, but would really like to hit 8...which will be a stretch since I think I have a stomach bug. At least I'm not eating too much, ha! Let me know what I need to do to participate! :)
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    mom2tebee and dvanrose.....awesome work guys...you are an inspiration.

    Kelly , I'm with you , I have been not eating the best lately but still lost a pound since my last week...can't believe it....must be all the hustle and bustle of the season....will hope to get things back on track at the beginning of the year...not giving up but just concentrating on maintaining for the next 2 weeks...

    weldome to all the newbies....and good luck...

    Off to work, gotta run
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I am still not feeling back to normal after a couple bouts of the flu. Exercise is mostly just easy walks or marching around the house. I did wii fit for 30 minutes yesterday, but that has been it for the week. And this shows on my weigh in.

    Starting weight 182.6
    December 8 180.2
    December 16 181.2

    I knew this month would be a challenge. Keep working on it everyone.

    Stay healthy!

  • Good Morning everyone. I finally made it home last night. Huge snow storm up here in MI and I haven't been home since Sat. I LOVE my own bed...lol I got stuck in the town where I work which is 40 min. from home. No exercise but I tried to eat well. Not looking forward to the scale tomorrow, but my goal for Dec. was to JUST NOT gain any weight.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    So I went to the gym today (still on my free pass) and I ran a 35min 5k!!! WOOT WOOT!! I'm so stoked!! And to think I was seriously gonna quit halfway through! That's 9min off my actual 5k I ran outside!! Happy Bru Dance :drinker:

    I like having the gym access, but I don't think I'd use it as much if I knew I could use it whenever I wanted. Knowing that I only have 7days to try it makes me kill it in the gym. But that's a good thing because I'm shaking things up a bit and confusing my body. Not too much exercise for a few weeks, mostly light stuff then a few days of running and such.

    I'm not expecting a loss tomorrow, but I hope I break through shortly after the New Year.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Yay Bru! I'm so proud of you! Doing the happy dance with ya, girl! :bigsmile: CONGRATS!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Today was our Holiday Staff appreciation lunch. That means yummy food and LOTS of delicious treats. I typically walk for my lunch break, 45-55 minutes usually and didn’t want to give up my walk to stuff my face with tons of calories. I was feeling fairly bad about being doomed to having a high calorie day, but then it hit me, I really don’t need to go to this lunch. So I didn’t go! I went for my walk instead (I snuck out the side door so nobody would urge me to stay :devil: ) I had my salad once I got back, and feel so great about skipping out. I will always have more work lunches to come in the future. So this was my mini success! In past years I have eaten myself into a coma, but not this year, and I hope never again! Now I just better stay out of the break room, leftovers a plenty!
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