

  • Well, as far as proteins, fats and carbs, you want each to be about 1/3 of your caloric consumption. I'm sure that at the bottom of your food diary, it tells you how many grams of each they want you to consume each day and you should try to get as close as possible on all of those (though going over on your proteins is…
  • Well, I got a treadmill for $20 from a garage sale and it works great. It's not automated so your momentum keeps it going, but that's really all I need. I would suggest looking in the pennysaver or classified ads because that's where you'll find the best deals. You might even get a nice one with all the bells and whistles…
  • For sure, girl. It's extremely easy to lose your motivation when you feel like you've been battling the BS all day. And truly, it's not necessary to exercise everyday...I had more trouble gaining muscle and losing fat when my body was expecting that I would be exercising everyday. I did every other day for two weeks and…
  • Katy- Actually, there is a person out there who started a website containing tons of recipes using only Trader Joe's products. The website is It's really great! Hope you like it Katy!
  • Well, good luck to you girl! This website has tons of meal ideas and I've tried a few and been pleasantly surprised by the flavor and heartyness. If you really dedicate yourself to this website, you'll find yourself rejecting those little handfuls of whatever snack someone has around because you know you wont be able to…
  • I highly recommend checking out some youtube videos regarding exercise ball workouts. You'll find so many new ways to use it that you'll have a new routine for each workout day. Good luck staying "on the ball!" LOL
  • Not to defend him, but sometimes men lose track of time when they are hanging out in big groups and having a good time. Honestly, my fiance is very good at being anywhere I ask him to be and on time, but if he's hanging out with the boys, I usually get a frantic and apologetic phone call while he's running to his car an…