

  • I have been wondering about sodium because I don't pay attention to it at all, and I like salty things. Luckily, I don't have a tendency to retain water and my blood pressure is low. However, if you guys have noticed anything about sodium intake interfering with weight loss or other things that might adversely affect my…
    in sodium Comment by Cawen November 2010
  • You could try the pee test (with Ketostix, which measure the ketone level in your urine) which can tell you where you are. Exercise can lower your blood sugar, so you could be in ketosis even though you're eating carbs. When I'm in ketosis my pee often has an ammonia-like smell. Agree on the electrolytes, if you're…
  • I'm not a doctor, but I do know about diabetes, and it looks like you are eating quite a few high glycemic index foods, such as potatoes and carrots. Forgive me if you already know this, but high GI foods can cause blood glucose swings. I'd recommend adding a little more fat and protein to your meals and snacks; this could…
  • Maybe you could try taking your measurements, and tracking your progress that way rather than watching the scale. If you're training for a triathlon, you're certainly gaining a lot of muscle. I used to cycle a lot in my late 20s and my thighs and butt got HUGE (well, not huge, but a lot bigger), even though I was at a low…
  • I swear I'm not shilling for them, but there's a site called that helps you determine your personal style (by showing you comparisons of outfits, coats, shoes, etc. and ask "do you prefer A or B"). Then, they determine your basic style (mine was "sporty/casual" or something like that) and send you emails (of…
  • ey guys, Thanks to everyone who posted. If you're interested in the particulars of my diet (at least what I'm trying to do) it's based on my experience over 15-some years. I was a big Zone diet person in my late 20s after reducing my body fat from 24% to 18% in a few months. I continued to follow the Zone guidelines for…
  • They say that a high fiber diet will fill you up, and I've found it does -- in a bloated, gassy sort of way. This is what works for me: Eat lean meat (or at least something with a bit of fat and protein, like eggs or cottage cheese) with every meal Try to cut down or even eliminate sugar, bread or complex carbohydrates…