Always Hungry!

dawnie2011 Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I always seem to be hungry! Even after just eating a small, balanced meal, I am hungry. For example, for lunch I ate a lite yogurt and a lean frozen salisbury steak meal. Yet, 15 minutes later, I am hungry. I always seem to feel this way.
Anyone else have this problem? I am dieting, and have lost a few pounds, and am truly sticking to my diet, however this constantly hungry feeling is getting me frustrated.


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    eat beans! that's what i put in my salad and i can't even finish it...or more fibre because that's what fills you up...protein is a good one too...lean meats or shakes...or drink water until your eyeballs float lol that's what i do
  • The water does seem to help... thanks!
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    Make your diary public and you will get more help. Since your diary is private I can't give too much help, but try these things:

    Eat more protein...
    Eat more fiber, comes from whole grains and veggies
    Eat green leafy veggies, like spinach, lettuce, etc. (if you don't like spinach, try mixing 1 cup if spinach with 1/4 head of lettuce)
    Get ALL of your water in each day, don't guzzle it, but drink about 20 ounces ever 4 hours while you're awake, until you get it all in.
    If you drink soda/pop/coke... stop. That will give you a temporary sense of fullness causing you to be hungry sooner than your next meal.
    Excersize before you eat... (except breakfast, eat a light protein based BF before a workout, nothing heavy)

    HTH... GL.
  • erin3l
    erin3l Posts: 2
    Try eating more small meals. However many calories you need for the day, divide that into about 4 or 5 and that is how much each meal should be about. I take in 1600 calories so if I want 4 meals, they should each be around 400 calories. Try not to drink calories either, for me I would rather eat 100 calories than drink 100 calories, I am more satisfied.
  • Try having more spices in your food - they help fill you up! Either that or take some Adderall once in awhile. You're just not hungry when you're on it.
  • That's what happened to me too. What you need to is get some healthy snack bars. Maybe like special K only 90 cals, and just snack on one of those when your extremely hungry.
  • I have the same problem. Drink more water will help. YOU need a minimum of 8 glasses a day anyhow. I have also found that eating a bowl of oatmeal cooked with water, and eaten plain is not very tasty but will fill you up. Anything that doesn't have many calories helps to fill you.
  • carlosgibson
    carlosgibson Posts: 15 Member
    I find sugar free jelly (not jam) like party jelly really fills me because of the water content ....there is hardly any calories in it and because you eat it rather than drink it i find it fools my body into thinking ive eaten alot. Also sometimes when i have eaten alot but still feel hungry i try brushing my teeth sometimes it helps sometimes it doesnt make a difference but it may be worth a try. I hope this helps.

    Carlos x
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I find staying away from frozen foods very helpful!! those things are so full of sodium anyway!
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I find sugar free jelly (not jam) like party jelly really fills me because of the water content ....there is hardly any calories in it and because you eat it rather than drink it i find it fools my body into thinking ive eaten alot. Also sometimes when i have eaten alot but still feel hungry i try brushing my teeth sometimes it helps sometimes it doesnt make a difference but it may be worth a try. I hope this helps.

    Carlos x

    This is interesting! I never thought to brush my teeth if i got hungry!
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    Yes, I agree... Eat more protein and fiber.. Lentils are great and you can make a really easy pot of lentil soup and it will keep you full for awhile...
  • Cawen
    Cawen Posts: 8
    They say that a high fiber diet will fill you up, and I've found it does -- in a bloated, gassy sort of way. This is what works for me:

    Eat lean meat (or at least something with a bit of fat and protein, like eggs or cottage cheese) with every meal

    Try to cut down or even eliminate sugar, bread or complex carbohydrates

    Fiber pills (essentially, Metamucil in a pill form, which are available at any drugstore) are quick and easy to take. They're soluble fiber, so you don't get as much gas, and they expand in your stomach.

    Two Sudafed (pseudoephedrine 30mg, the red pills) taken in the late morning can really take the edge off. Don't take Adderall or anything stronger, not because it won't work (it does, beautifully), but eventually your body will become accustomed to it, and your metabolism will adjust accordingly. It won't be as effective over time, and if/when you want to get off it -- FOOM! -- your weight will skyrocket. Seriously.

    Also, accept the fact that you WILL be hungry while losing weight. Hunger is a signal that your body is turning to its fat stores for energy. Thinking of it that way has helped for me.

    Good luck!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I always seem to be hungry! Even after just eating a small, balanced meal, I am hungry. For example, for lunch I ate a lite yogurt and a lean frozen salisbury steak meal. Yet, 15 minutes later, I am hungry. I always seem to feel this way.
    Anyone else have this problem? I am dieting, and have lost a few pounds, and am truly sticking to my diet, however this constantly hungry feeling is getting me frustrated.

    Try to get protein, fiber and some fat with every meal (in the healthiest ways possible, of course). That will help.

    For me, when I first start dieting, I have to get used to less food. And certain times of month, my hormones really affect my appetite. Excerise can help reduce appetite in the short term, too.
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