Garywf Member


  • I'm up over 585 days consecutive logging. The odd part of that is I hit my target weight over twelve months ago & have maintained it ever since. I can calculate my calorific balance in my head without the app. My daily use of MFP has become habitual (like some of those stupid smartphone games) although my family and others…
  • I go to gym 3 times per week & do, at least, 30 minutes of intense cardio each session plus weight training. On the off days I climb a local hill (1 hour round trip), run 5k or ride my bike. Cardio is a very necessary part of any fitness program as is weight training. For most people the more cardio you can do the better.
  • Hello, Visit a dietician. My dietician has helped me enormously. It really all comes down to diet but cholesterol problems can be complex (including genetic factors) and really should only be evaluated by professionals. About 3 months ago, with the agreement of my GP, I threw away my Lipitor because HDL levels, HDL / LDL…
  • The main purpose of using MFP is to record and manage your calorie balance so that the net result is weight loss. I find that the hardest part is being totally honest and recording everything as accurately as possible. If you don't record accurately then forget about using MFP and do something else. I have been told more…
  • I have found that you need to just keep on trying. We are all imperfect and sometimes we succeed at what we are trying to acieve whilst at other times outside circumstances affect us and cause us to fall short of our objectives. Keep on trying, don't be too hard on yourself and set reasonable goals.
  • Hi, I have the same thoughts about increasing iron intake by eating 'roo occasionally. We had a meal of kangaroo last night and it was very tasty. My wife cut the steaks into strips and marinated them in a combination of plum sauce, white wine, egg white & soy sauce before grilling it. Serve with steamed green beans and…
  • Hi Steph Only signed up to this website today myself. I have found that the best thing about MFP is that it focusses on the calory balance between what you eat and how many are offset by exercise. It is a real help if used each day. I have lost 7 kgs in the last six weeks so 20lbs (9kgs) in three months is definitley…
    in Newbie! Comment by Garywf July 2012