
Hi everyone! Just signed up to my fitness pal so thought i should introduce myself :)
Hope everyone is keeping up the good work! I signed up because i started exercising and still didnt lose any weight because i was eating/drinking too much, so i need a helping hand with that! also i need to keep track a lot more of what im eating because i am a chef and we have funny eating habits/patterns and have to taste stuff all day at work.
Got a target to lose 20lb by the end of October this year, sounds like a lot to me, hope i can do it. then after that who knows :)

take care and good luck everyone! :)

Steph xx


  • Garywf
    Garywf Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Steph

    Only signed up to this website today myself. I have found that the best thing about MFP is that it focusses on the calory balance between what you eat and how many are offset by exercise. It is a real help if used each day. I have lost 7 kgs in the last six weeks so 20lbs (9kgs) in three months is definitley achievable.

    Best wishes. Head down and go hard at it!

  • bluukitsune
    Im trying to lose 20lbs by October too!
    I wish you luck. :)
    We can do this!~