hilarytwilary Member


  • Chickpea salad sandwiches! Sooo good. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/16715/vegetarian-chickpea-sandwich-filling/ (use vegan mayo) Leftover roasted/grilled veggies plus hummus on a sandwich is quick and easy Breakfast sandwiches with fried tofu, rice paper bacon, and tomato are great if you have a bit more time
  • On those days, I tell myself "being good-looking isn't everything. You are not worth less just because you're having an off-day, self-image wise. You have worth because you are smart, capable, funny, creative, etc." And then every time I notice my thoughts going to that "I'm ugly/fat/whatever" place, I redirect my thoughts…
  • Here's a video that describes how the QUALITY of calories matters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U36XJaETbh8 A calorie is not a calorie, as far as health is concerned. Period. With maybe a few exceptions, chemically processed crap is NOT food. It does not nourish.
  • Better than calories from a Big Mac, worse than calories from carrots and hummus.
  • There is some evidence that even diet soda can make people gain weight. This video sums it up: http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-diet-soda-could-make-us-gain-weight/
  • Eat better calories.
  • Well, there seems to not be a lot of research done on the paleo diet, I guess because it's relatively new on the scene. It stands to reason that people eating leaner meats and unprocessed foods and no dairy will obviously be healthier than people eating the Standard American Diet, which most of the studies on veganism are…
  • Such as? If you're going to respond to evidence claiming newer evidence, you should, you know, give the evidence. I'm interested in this topic, and would really like to read up on the newer studies you're talking about.
  • You're welcome! I always prefer to have some corroboration to go along with my "opinions".
  • So many people here repeating "common knowledge" that they don't know any scientific information about. The question should be, can meat eaters be healthy? Take a look at the overwhelming evidence and come to your own conclusions; don't trust regurgitated info from message boards. (Including this post :P)…
  • If you're feeling it in your lower back (like I do), I think it's a matter of changing your hip position. If you do pelvic tilts, this will help you understand how you can rotate your pelvis to get a flatter back. Essentially, you need to think about bringing your front hipbones upwards while sort of 'curling' your butt…
  • I dunno. I tend to trust scientists like Dr. Greger more than the giant food industry people with all the money and all the social influence. It does seem kind of weird that people eat what is essentially a chicken's period.
  • Interesting to see that everyone here promotes eggs as healthy. To play devil's advocate, here's some recent science indicating that eggs might not be as full of good stuff as we think: http://nutritionfacts.org/video/egg-cholesterol-in-the-diet/ http://nutritionfacts.org/video/egg-industry-blind-spot/…
  • Any dairy is too much, according to science: http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dairy-hormonal-interference/ Too bad, because cream is delicious.
  • Guys, nuts are one of the healthiest foods out there for you! http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-do-nuts-prevent-sudden-cardiac-death/ and http://nutritionfacts.org/video/nuts-and-obesity-the-weight-of-evidence/ Eat ALL the nuts!
  • "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman It's not necessarily related to weight loss, but more about overall wellbeing. About getting in touch with yourself. And I think we could all…
  • Have you tried Intermittent Fasting (IF)? You won't have to restrict calories on eating days, and then once or twice a week you fast, only consuming teas and water, or very minimal calories. It's supposed to have all kinds of benefits, and people adhere to it better than traditional calorie-reduced diets. Read more about…