are vegans healthy



  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Being vegan can be healthy or unhealthy just as much as not being vegan. You'll be healthy if you take the time to get some information about what you're putting in your body. I'm been vegetarian for over 14 years and I'm not lacking iron or B12 at all, on the contrary - my last blood work I had too much of those. Also, there are many people I know personally who aren't vegetarian but are still anaemic.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    You can be as long as you take the time to really learn about the nutrition you need and ensure you eat a balanced diet. I have a good friend who has been vegan for 15 years, including through two healthy pregnancies and both babies were 8-ish lbs each. Clearly she knows how to be healthy on a vegan diet, but I've known people who were vegan and not healthy. Its just like any sort of particular diet/eating lifestyle where if you eat the right things, you're healthy.
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Most people who decide to become vegan and dont do it properly will be unhealthy. Mostly because they decide to eat all the processed pretend animal product stuff rather than exploring the wide world of new foods.You have to know what things you can get your nutrients from. You can be completly healthy as a vegan without even taking supplements except you should take B12. Caveman would get their b12 from soil because most of the stuff came from the ground but no since everyhting issuper clean before you eat it now you can really only get it through meat with out supplements. There is so much information out there on how to do it right. There are also vegan body builders!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You can be vegan and unhealthy and vegan and unhealthy. Just like any other diet. I stick to eating clean whole foods as much as possible. But there is nothing you need from meat and dairy that you can't get elsewhere. I mean, do people need rat milk? Of course not, so we don't need cow's milk. If you couldn't be vegan and healthy then no one would be vegan.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I see a lot of people posting that being vegan and healthy is 'rare' or that 'most vegans' are unhealthy. I was just wondering where you got those statistics. Anyone mind sharing their source? Thanks!
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    *insert celebrity-eating-popcorn picture here*

    I will add, it's sort of like asking if people who only eat red meat are "healthy"...It's not difficult to get nutrients, yes it means more COOKING and prepping with veganism sometimes, but it's really dependent on the person. I know some vegans who only eat vegan junk, and I know ones who eat super well and have shiny skin and muscle etc.
  • I think the vegans' better health is an illusion, because vegans may concentrate more on fruits and veggies which are healthy and everyone should eat them anyway. You shouldn't compare a vegan who pays attention to his or her food and an average meat-and-potatoes eater. I don't know if the non-animal protein problems are a myth, but I wouldn't want to risk my brain function trying it out.
  • Quotes from "'Complete' Protein?" by Charles R. Attwood, MD, FAAP:

    "Proteins are composed of amino acids, 12 of which are manufactured by the human body. Another 9, called essential amino acids, must he obtained from food. Most animal products, such as meat and dairy products, contain all of the essential amino acids and have been designated as containing complete proteins. Most proteins from vegetables also contain all 9 essential amino acids, but 1 or 2 may be low in a particular food compared with a protein from most animal sources. Beans, however, are rich sources of all essential amino acids.

    The old ideas about the necessity of carefully combining vegetables at every meal to ensure the supply of essential amino acids has been totally refuted. Modern nutritionists, after observing populations of strict vegetarians who were healthier and lived longer than meat-eaters, now realize that all essential amino acids may be obtained from a variety of vegetables or grains eaten over a one-to-two-day period. This should be a great relief to you as a parent. Even the variety is not as critical as once thought.

    To wrongly suggest people need to eat animal protein for nutrients will encourage them to add foods that are known to contribute to the incidence of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and many forms of cancer, to name just a few common problems."

    Again, I'm not trying to say that vegan diets are healthier than others, but you don't need to put in any more effort into being a healthy vegan than a healthy omnivore would.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    I recently became a vegan and I have never felt healthier. Its just like any other way of eating; you need to make sure you are eating varied foods, etc to get in all the proper nutrients. But now this is something I don't even think about, and Im naturally eating clean, unproccessed foods so as a result I feel a lot more energetic, etc. Its nice feeling like you are fueling your body with the right stuff :)

    I have no problem with people who eat meat, everyone should do what they see as best for them. However I never understand why there is this obsession with meat being "necessary"; Im easily getting my protein and vitamins in, and without that sluggish effect I used to get when I ate meat! But people around me are still insisting that Im going to drop dead at some point ahaha.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I do eat vegan most days of the week but I am not a vegan - and I don't eat any of that processed fake food crap you often see stores selling to vegetarians. THAT would be the unhealthy way to go vegan. Some days I have a little lean poultry or fish if I need a little extra protein - long run days, etc. I have a digestive disorder that pretty much requires me to stay away from all red meat, eggs and most dairy (aged cheeses seem to be fine), so being vegetarian would be a healthy option for me, personally. I'm not an ignorant consumer, and I know what foods are healthy and what nutrients I need. My blood sugar is excellent, cholesterol is in the healthy range, iron levels just fine, BMI and bodyfat right where I want them, and I don't eat animal products most days. If you do your research and make wise choices, there's no reason vegans can't be healthy, too. I'm ok with people eating meat, but I really think most people eat way more than is healthy. Just my opinion. :flowerforyou:
  • hilarytwilary
    hilarytwilary Posts: 17 Member
    So many people here repeating "common knowledge" that they don't know any scientific information about. The question should be, can meat eaters be healthy? Take a look at the overwhelming evidence and come to your own conclusions; don't trust regurgitated info from message boards. (Including this post :P)

    Harvard study:

    The China study:

    Harvard Nurse's Study:

    And a fun infographic:
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member

    This guys looks pale. His color is not good. Every vegan/fruitatarian whatever that I see in youtube videos or online has bad color. That says something to me.

    Vegan myself, this is not that lifestyle which makes one unhealthy and deficient at some point. Lack of knowledge and self-education do. As for the question "Are vegans healthy ?" I reply : "veganism here is not the determining factor when it comes to health, again, it's the self-education ".
    Yes you can live a long and healthy life without meat and dairies - that whole "meat deficiency mania" has only in equal measure the poor quality of animal products most consume
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    So many people here repeating "common knowledge" that they don't know any scientific information about. The question should be, can meat eaters be healthy? Take a look at the overwhelming evidence and come to your own conclusions; don't trust regurgitated info from message boards. (Including this post :P)

    Harvard study:

    The China study:

    Harvard Nurse's Study:

    And a fun infographic:

    great ressources, thank you!
  • hilarytwilary
    hilarytwilary Posts: 17 Member
    great ressources, thank you!

    You're welcome! I always prefer to have some corroboration to go along with my "opinions".
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm vegan and very healthy. I had bloodwork done recently, and the doctors were very pleased with the results. Anyone who eats mindlessly without any thought to good nutrition can be unhealthy, vegan or paleo or standard American diet. A lot of obese people are actually malnourished. If you want to try it, research the nutrition to pay attention to in vegan diets and go for it. :flowerforyou:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    You can be healthy with any diet you choose. I know plenty of vegans who eat like crap, didn't get their nutrients they needed and ended up in the hospital. Going vegan alone won't make you healthier. It's when you educated yourself and understand how to achieve the macro and micro nutritional needs is when you get healthy. Heck my bloodwork severely improved just from educating myself, losing some weight/fat and exercise. I have eliminated all processed meats and gone to a more paleo diet (because my wife has to be gluten free), I am sure I will continue to improve my numbers.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    So many people here repeating "common knowledge" that they don't know any scientific information about. The question should be, can meat eaters be healthy? Take a look at the overwhelming evidence and come to your own conclusions; don't trust regurgitated info from message boards. (Including this post :P)

    Harvard study:

    The China study:

    Harvard Nurse's Study:

    And a fun infographic:

    My only issue with some of these studies is they are looking at those who eat a lot of processed meats. I would be interested to see a study looking at those who follow a paleo type diet (lean meats, not processed foods). I would agree that eating processed meats, especially those found in fast would and then add on top of that lack of exercise would increase the chances of cardiovascular issue.

    In all reality, how many super fit guys/gals do you know having cardiovascular issue?
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    You can be a healthy or unhealthy meat eater. Healthy or unhealthy vegetarian....and the same applies to being a vegan. Why wouldn't it?
  • hilarytwilary
    hilarytwilary Posts: 17 Member
    So many people here repeating "common knowledge" that they don't know any scientific information about. The question should be, can meat eaters be healthy? Take a look at the overwhelming evidence and come to your own conclusions; don't trust regurgitated info from message boards. (Including this post :P)

    Harvard study:

    The China study:

    Harvard Nurse's Study:

    And a fun infographic:

    My only issue with some of these studies is they are looking at those who eat a lot of processed meats. I would be interested to see a study looking at those who follow a paleo type diet (lean meats, not processed foods). I would agree that eating processed meats, especially those found in fast would and then add on top of that lack of exercise would increase the chances of cardiovascular issue.

    In all reality, how many super fit guys/gals do you know having cardiovascular issue?

    Well, there seems to not be a lot of research done on the paleo diet, I guess because it's relatively new on the scene. It stands to reason that people eating leaner meats and unprocessed foods and no dairy will obviously be healthier than people eating the Standard American Diet, which most of the studies on veganism are comparing to. However, I'd be interested in a well-constructed study researching the health outcomes of a vegan versus a paleo diet.

    Other than health, however, there are many other reasons that a vegan diet is optimal, including environmental, animal welfare and sustainability reasons. When you include the health reasons on top of that, at least in my mind, it comes out on top as the best way to nourish oneself and the planet.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    While I am not a vegan I don't see any reason why someone who is wouldn't be healthy as long as they do their research! I think people need to stop take a breath and educate themselves.