diet pills?



  • hilarytwilary
    hilarytwilary Posts: 17 Member
    If I were lacking energy, the first thing I would do is increase my calorie intake.

    lol trust me i eat enough calories

    Eat better calories.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    :) i figured i would get that response...

    Then why did you ask?

    ^What he said. And also, if you lost weight like crazy on them...why are you going back on them?

    Each their own, but I'll always suggest changing how much you are eating and what you are eating. Diet pills and diet fads are no longer an option for me.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I've taken them off and on because I need the energy when I'm taking care of my twins and son. (All under the age of 3) I try not to rely on the pills but coffee helps also.
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    I do my workouts at 4 am.... I bought a huge bottle of caffeine pills (scifit) from Like $15 or something for 1,000 capsules. I can't take a whole one though, it gives me a headache, so I pull it open and pour out about half the contents down the drain and then take the remainder. Cheap and effective.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    If you are lacking energy despite eating a healthy diet, you should consult with a physician. That is an indication that there may be an endocrine imbalance or some other medical issue that needs to be addressed.

    Some diet pills give you energy because they are essentially speed. Like any drug you will develop tolerance and end up requiring higher doses to achieve the same result. Its not a path that I would recommend anyone taking unless obesity was causing significant health problems that were worse than the potential side effects of the diet pills.
  • I guess what I would like to ask you is why do you have no energy? Could it be medical and should you get it checked out? Perhaps you are anemic ( I have that problem and some days I can hardly lift my arms) or perhaps your thyroid. The diet pills could be masking the real problem that you have. Something to think about :ohwell:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    coffee is cheaper
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    There is not such thing as an easy out.....which is what diet pills are... They can easily screw up your body....

    If your energy levels are so low, see a dr....
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you are lacking energy despite eating a healthy diet, you should consult with a physician. That is an indication that there may be an endocrine imbalance or some other medical issue that needs to be addressed.

    Some diet pills give you energy because they are essentially speed. Like any drug you will develop tolerance and end up requiring higher doses to achieve the same result. Its not a path that I would recommend anyone taking unless obesity was causing significant health problems that were worse than the potential side effects of the diet pills.

    You know that is true. I was just telling some people how since I am exercising more regularly and with harder workouts (funny enough) well as changing what I eat...that I have a lot more energy and my mood has also improved a lot!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    jessica0danielle has deactivated their account.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    jessica0danielle has deactivated their account.

    Holy crap, seriously? Wow, some people really are sensitive.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    jessica0danielle has deactivated their account.


    That's kind of awesome.
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    taking diet pills for energy is like going to mcdonalds for a salad.
  • As someone with depression and borderline personality I often found myself lacking energy and motivation, but instead of resorting to chemically produced pills (even the "natural" ones) I just got of my butt and forced myself to do it. Since I started it's helped improve my mental health and I have a lot more energy.

    So please don't use the excuse these pills are the only way to give you energy because that's just not true, all it is doing is messing with your body, and please take a moment to check out my ticker, 43lbs lost... not there yet, but pretty sure it's evidence enough what I am doing is working.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    jessica0danielle has deactivated their account.


    That's kind of awesome.

    no it isn't

    it is kind of sad that you think scaring someone away is awesome
  • While I don't believe in ''diet'' pills personally, by all means do whatever it is you want. I think you'd feel much healthier and better about your journey if you went without them. The decision is yours and no one should tell you what to do with your body. Again, I don't like it but I'm not you *shrugs *
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member

    Even though I posted a snarky picture on this thread, I really do wish that people who have these types of serious issues with their food relationships get the help that they need.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    I personally don't believe in diet pills. I agree with those who said to see a doctor. Too bad OP deleted their account.
  • Halie_Bird
    Halie_Bird Posts: 47 Member
    jessica0danielle has deactivated their account.


    That's kind of awesome.

    no it isn't

    it is kind of sad that you think scaring someone away is awesome

    seriously how would that be "awesome" she was looking for help but instead had several rude people acting like they know it all. People should really get over themselves and if you aren't here to help then leave people alone.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    jessica0danielle has deactivated their account.


    That's kind of awesome.

    no it isn't

    it is kind of sad that you think scaring someone away is awesome

    seriously how would that be "awesome" she was looking for help but instead had several rude people acting like they know it all. People should really get over themselves and if you aren't here to help then leave people alone.

    She was looking for help? Or she was looking to find people who agreed that diet pills were awesome and the way to go? Coming out and asking, "So what's so bad about diet pills?" doesn't sound like someone asking for help. Sounds like someone looking for justification and friends to support this.

    She didn't find any and before it got to page 2 of this convo - she deletes her account. How are we the *kitten*?