diet pills?



  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member
    taking diet pills for energy is like going to mcdonalds for a salad.

    But...but... what if you like McDonalds salad?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    taking diet pills for energy is like going to mcdonalds for a salad.

    But...but... what if you like McDonalds salad?

    I'm taking away your man card now...lmao.. Just kidding :D
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    None of them did anything for me.
  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member
    taking diet pills for energy is like going to mcdonalds for a salad.

    But...but... what if you like McDonalds salad?

    I'm taking away your man card now...lmao.. Just kidding :D

    Bahaha! That's probably a valid reason to ;)
  • If I were lacking energy, the first thing I would do is increase my calorie intake.

    lol trust me i eat enough calories

    Eat better calories.

  • Stdavis53
    Stdavis53 Posts: 233 Member
    taking diet pills for energy is like going to mcdonalds for a salad.

    :drinker: :laugh:

    I took Adipex (sp) well, the generic of it, phentermine (sp) and it did help me loose weight, but it effected my sleep, my attitude it made me more irritable. Definitely not worth taking when you can use tools like MFP to do it the right way.

    And btw... its pretty damn lolzy that she deactivated, hahahaha
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Dios mio...
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I do my workouts at 4 am.... I bought a huge bottle of caffeine pills (scifit) from Like $15 or something for 1,000 capsules. I can't take a whole one though, it gives me a headache, so I pull it open and pour out about half the contents down the drain and then take the remainder. Cheap and effective.
    for real? pouring half the contents down the drain seems pretty wasteful. if you don't want to take the whole pill why not save the other half?
  • I will say eating a lot of "empty calories" isn't what I think was meant by that reply. Nutrition is really important when it comes to getting energy the right way. Many times your body can be so toxic that it contributes to your lack of energy. None of us knows your eating habits but before going back to the "diet pills" why not try filling up on healthier options. Eliminate the white products, increase your veggie intake and lean proteins and definitely try to get in at least half your body weight in ounces of water.

    The energy will come. Then get up and workout. Even more energy will come. Be consistent. We're here to support and motivate each other because obviously we're all here for the same reason.

    This way won't come with harmful side effects down the road.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I do my workouts at 4 am.... I bought a huge bottle of caffeine pills (scifit) from Like $15 or something for 1,000 capsules. I can't take a whole one though, it gives me a headache, so I pull it open and pour out about half the contents down the drain and then take the remainder. Cheap and effective.
    for real? pouring half the contents down the drain seems pretty wasteful. if you don't want to take the whole pill why not save the other half?

    I think it's a gel cap type of pill. that's why he has to pull it apart and pour part of it out before taking the pill.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    If you are lacking energy despite eating a healthy diet, you should consult with a physician. That is an indication that there may be an endocrine imbalance or some other medical issue that needs to be addressed.

    Some diet pills give you energy because they are essentially speed. Like any drug you will develop tolerance and end up requiring higher doses to achieve the same result. Its not a path that I would recommend anyone taking unless obesity was causing significant health problems that were worse than the potential side effects of the diet pills.

    I totally agree with this poster.
    I tried diet pills in my teens because a boyfriend was teasing me about my growing behind which wasn't all that big really, and my lack of energy. That was the day of the dexatrim diet pills which I didn't know it but they were loaded with caffeine. They set off my heart and sent me to the hospital. Nearly killed me. Long story short, dumped the guy, lost that little bit of weight naturally but continued to have energy problems. Energy problems got much worse to the point of not being able to get around my own house. Many years later I was dxed with MS and Fibro. Don't go on a downward spiral with those pills. If you're still having energy problems and your eating properly then you need to get to a doctor and get blood work done and maybe some other tests. I started with blood work and after nothing showed up there I had other tests done as other symptoms came about. Turning to pills just masks the underlying problems.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Hi all! To keep my energy levels up during a day i use capsiplex. I used it for two months and then done one month break before starting enother course. I think it depends on person, but for me they work just fine. I done a review and also have my before and after pics here:
    Its much better than coffeine itself. Hope that will help.

    Nice try OP deactivating your account and creating a new one. lol :laugh:
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Do some research on their side effects and also on addiction.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    If your energy levels are so low that you think you need a supplement to feel better, you might consider talking to your doctor. I've actually been to 4 different doctors because I had any and every hypothyroid symptom - come to find out, my testosterone was very low and my T3 (the active thyroid hormone) was also low. TSH is what they normally test for thyroid disfunction, but that can be normal and your thyroid system as a whole can still be off. Doctor #4 has me on testosterone and B12 injections, as well as some herbal adrenal and thyroid support. My energy levels are MUCH higher and I'm not having to take anything that isn't natural.

    Diet pills are nothing but caffeine - you might as well just drink some coffee and save your money.

    ^^^ The direction I was gonna go, 'though much more specific. If it's that low that often, it would probably be better (results, and for your body, especially if something important is "off") to figure out and address the root of the problem.

    Beyond that a good basic start is to consider that perhaps the body regularly doesn't have enough energy because it's not getting what it NEEDS for energy (quality, not quantity), and also remember that sitting on one's butt can make for a vicious cycle of low energy (I don't judge, I've totally been there. Just sayin' though.....)
  • I was given diet pills at age 11 they had a very addicting effect of me and I ended up taking them until August 2012 and for the 2 years prior to me stopping I was taking multiple different kinds of pills and multiple times the recommended dosage of each one. and before that I was just taking two or three times the dose of what I was on. Diet pills are dangerous and useless. I have permanent heart damage because of my ordeal with them.

    If you need energy, theres green tea, or coffee, or google "foods that give you energy" you'll get a whole list.

    Diet pills are junk, they dont work, (I gained over 100 pounds in the 10 years I was on them) and their just a pill designed by society to give false hope to people who want to be thinner that they can be instantly slim if they take this magic pill. Dont do it.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Why are there concerns? Some diet pills have healthier formulations than others. Some people become psychologically dependent on them and never learn to eat correctly.

    I've never been overweight, but there was a time when I was prescribed, for another condition, a drug that had stimulant and appetite depressant effects. It certainly was easier to maintain my weight and I did have more energy. Of course, I was cautious about taking this medication, but the doctor said I didn't have a drug-abusing personality. And I don't.

    I can see how an obese person might want to boost his or weight loss for a time with medications. To lose a lot of weight is a tremendous challenge. But I would do it only under a physician's supervision. A doctor should be monitoring the patient's overall health, and you don't want to waste your money on quack medications.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Many years later I was dxed with MS and Fibro. Don't go on a downward spiral with those pills.

    Stimulants are sometimes prescribed FOR MS. Needless to say, everyone should have their health checked out, but I doubt a truly thorough exam would fail to uncover MS.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Oh, I see the OP has deactivated her account. Typical sequence of activity on MFP: Someone asks a question challenging the conventional wisdom and a bunch of people lecture her.
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member

    omg lmao!!!
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    Doesn't stop me dreaming about a magic pill that'll help me lose weight and make me all pretty..blahhh.

    I'm not sure they make people much prettier than you already are.

    aww how sweet!! lol:smooched: