

  • YES YES YES!!! You go girl!
  • Definitely have your physician order a complete blood workup, with an emphasis on your thyroid. Record your foods religiously - every bite!! - and add some 30 second "wind sprints" to your cardio routine, meaning go at a pace for 5 or 6 minutes that is fairly comfortable, then WHAM! Go full out for 30 seconds as if you're…
  • PMS sucks. I've dealt with it most of my life, and it's been a constant battle to keep it from taking me down. Keep your workout routine up - power walking is excellent if that's all you feel like doing at that time. Main thing, don't give in to the carb cravings - if you are like me and it seems like you can't get enough…
  • You are right to think of this as an adventure - think of what makes an adventure rewarding. If you take the time to enjoy the whole trip and don't rush through it you will have a good time, right? And with any journey you travel one step, one mile, one state or country at a time. Don't look back at what was - look forward…
  • I second that!
  • Created by - Free Food Diary Excellent!!! You have every reason to be proud of yourself. Think of your progress being the match that lit the fire - once the fire gets going, there is no turning back! You are on fire - keep it up!! [/quote]
  • Excellent!!! You have every reason to be proud of yourself. Think of your progress being the match that lit the fire - once the fire gets going, there is no turning back! You are on fire - keep it up!!