

  • I'm going to start this up again this week! I'm hoping to drop a size or two for summer!
  • 22 people sounds like an absolute dream! Unfortunately, my wedding has ballooned up to about 160 people- my fiance has a huge family and heaven forbid we pass on any second cousins! We're doing an evening ceremony and dessert extravaganza- my fiance is a really picky eater, and dessert only was seriously half the price of…
  • Bring it on! As for other things, how's your planning going? Can you believe that we STILL haven't gotten all of our responses in? We've sent out 2 reminders and people are still slacking- GAH! We only got engaged at the end of February, so we're doing everything on the fly. I go for my first dress fitting on Tuesday, I…
  • I'm teetering around 155 right now, and I'd love to be below 150 for my big day (mostly for the mental boost). With the cold weather coming and the days getting shorter, it's certainly harder for me to stay motivated and resist temptation in the form of pumpkin everything (bread, donuts, beer, pasta)!
  • The food! We're having an all-desserts reception later in the evening, and I can't wait to nosh!
  • I did what every bride is told not to do, and I ordered my dress a size smaller than I measured. It came in about a week and a half ago, and if I lose more than a few more pounds, it's going to be too big! I am having the train removed though, which is another big (and expensive) alterations job. I imagine that if you find…
  • I'm a November bride, but this thread seems to be one of the more active ones, so I hope that I can play too! I'm getting married November 10th at the Commanders Mansion in Massachusetts. I am absolutely in love with my venue, I can't wait! http://www.commandersmansion.com/ I've been talking about getting in shape for the…
  • I'm a November 10th bride as well! I lost about 14 pounds this winter, but the number on the scale is starting to creep back up and I need to get back on track- only 5 months to go, eek! I'm hoping to drop another 20-25 pounds and get back into a size 6. Let's give ourselves a shot of motivation on this Monday morning-…
  • I'd like to lose 20-25 pounds before my Nov. 10 wedding. I'm also hoping to get as fit as possible- while I sometimes have to drag myself there, once I'm at the gym, I love it! Food is one of my biggest struggles- this girl loves carbs- so I really need to keep myself motivated.
  • You can totally do it! You seem to have the exercise down, how are you doing diet-wise? I know personally, I can exercise all I want, but unless I really watch my calorie intake, I only maintain, I don't lose. My dress comes in this August too! I was smack in between a 10 and a 12, and I opted to go with the 10. I'm hoping…