chrissievet Member


  • You need a new thyroid doctor... studies have shown that patients have best clinical resolution of symptoms when TSH is <1.0. And once you find a dose of thyroxine that gets you there you need to keep taking it to keep you there!! You clearly have issues with your general practice doctor, and you deserve to feel good, so…
  • Then honestly, the answer isn't your thyroid. Weight gain/stagnation is only one of many symptoms of hypothyroidism, and you certainly don't feel otherwise great and healthy.
  • Don't let it get to you. As al142 said, it was probably required to be put down to let the doctor prescribe you phentermine, which the doctor probably did because she could see you trying hard to lose the weight and having difficulty. Also, lots of medical software programs MAKE you put a diagnosis in from a prescribed…
  • Firstly, it is usually up to the instigator of a discussion to provide definitions for what they are discussing. It is fairly fruitless to try and have a discussion without them - so I figured I would cut to the chase and ask you outright. I would say that as long as there is excess body fat, there are significant risk…
  • +1. Also important to remember, fat is not an inert substance. It has roles to play in the proliferation and production of inflammatory mediators and some hormones. More fat = more of these things that the body is not meant to have circulating around. Which is unhealthy. But then again, you have failed to address what your…
  • I'm really confused... you're getting mad because she did two inductions without you - so mad you're going to just up and quit working with the person who inspired you to start this career??? Seems... um... a bit of an overreaction?! 20 hours by the end of january of practical experience is nothing, its not like you're…
  • Honestly I would say its more because you said they're all slim... if they acknowledge your weightloss, they essentially have to acknowledge that you were overweight. Its far safer to not say anything until YOU comment on it and open it up for positive comments. Commenting on peoples weight is a damned if you do, damned if…
  • I too carry weight in my calves - to the point where they are nearly as big as my thighs! Makes pants shopping a nightmare. I found that when I lost weight the 1st time and reached my goal weight, my calves were the last place to shrink - but they did. Its just a matter of reducing your bodys overall bodyfat percentage to…
  • To be honest - that is TERRIBLE advice from your councellor!!!! You should not have to walk on eggshells around your husband to prevent arguments that may turn physical. You should not have to have a huge fight to have the right to buy some healthy food for yourself. You should be able to communicate in assertive,…
  • I think you have much bigger problems than your own personal weightloss, sorry - I think your husband is the biggest, deadweight you will ever have to lose. While he is still there, emotionally and physically beating you down, you aren't going to win. Focus all your willpower on leaving, and then you will be in a much,…
  • The way I see it, is that you have everything to gain from experimenting with eating meat again. Why does it matter that its a mammal any more than a bird or a fish? If anything it is easier to eat ethical red meat, as the poultry and fish industries tend to have the most lax animal welfare standards (for fish, unless you…