

  • Yum! Thanks for this!
  • Is there a difference between the coconut milk that comes in a can and the kind that comes in carton?
  • Oh yeah! I knew that and forgot. I wonder if you can do the same thing with steel cut oats...going to google now :)
  • Interesting...I had no idea. This is light coconut milk though so it likely wouldn't work :(
  • Thanks! Omg that coconut lentil soup recipe looks sooo good!
  • Hi Msnewbooty! :) Here is a website where you enter in your own height and weight and it shows you pictures of people of the same height and weight. http://www.mybodygallery.com/photos-16329-body-shape.htm#img Kinda neat!
  • While I don't think that office work burns a lot of calories, I hear what you are saying. I'm in grad school and spend my work days writing and thinking, so I get it. I find myself feeling sluggish and not very productive when I am following this program to a T. I also find that if I workout in the morning, I don't think…
  • I've been smoking since I was 14, uggggh! Despite being ready to quit for a few years now, I continue to put it off because I feel like there is always some life stressor that makes me think OK next month will be better, etc. I've been doing regular cardio workouts for 1.5 years now and while I have nothing to compare, I…
  • Brilliant. Why didn't I think of this? Haha, thanks!
  • I did shake it and it still came out with a blob in the middle. Ew lol! The expiry date is tomorrow but I bet its been open in the fridge for 2-3 weeks so it's probably bad :(
  • Thanks for the replies :) I'm taking the loss.....still figuring out how to dispose of the blender full of stuff without making a huge mess lol!
  • I just read that if spoiled almond milk can cause food poisoning. I don't think I want to risk trying it for taste. Darn my smoothie is ruined :(
  • Oh ya, it doesn't smell bad at all. It looked disgusting though! But scooping out the blob is possible to save the smoothie...I won't risk it if almond milk does rot. I'm finding conflicting answers on google.
  • Yes, sometimes I feel like this is the bane of my existence. Lol! I bought thick head bands that cover a lot of my hair so I spend more time with greasy hair just hidden under a headband (gross). I also sometimes plan my workouts around hairwashing. Like do weights monday night and not washmy hair, then do cardio Tuesday…
  • My husband works out of town some weeks and in town other weeks. I find that the days that he's in town, I really struggle to keep my calories low. It seems as though I eat a lot more when he's around. It's probably from making bigger meals for 2 and snacking together at night while watching movies or whatever. He also…
  • I don't understand why people get mad about it either. OK ya, if you counted changing the toilet paper roll as exercise that would be pretty stupid but I'm pretty sure sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, going back up and down stairs with full laundry baskets, etc. is all active thus burns calories. On the days when I clean my…
  • I have just started putting plain Greek yogurt in my smoothies....it's taking some getting used to but I love how much protein it adds. My question is: why is everyone on here saying they get the full fat ones? I assumed low fat was better? I honestly don't know, someone explain please!
    in Yogurt Comment by HC82 June 2012
  • I definately hear what you're saying. Sometimes I wonder if I eat more tracking on here than I would on a normal-not-overly-hungry-type of day because I spend so much time thinking about food that it gets obsessive and then I eat more because I can't stop thinking about food! At the same time, I know I am making better…
  • I'm 5'2 and looking to lose 5-10lbs and get in better shape. I need some friends so feel free to add me :)
  • I was just thinking about this today! I am planning on doing a lot of camping this summer and I was trying to brainstorm ways to not survive on hot dogs, chips and beer all weekend. Because I want to go every weekend, camping cannot equal cheat days or I'll be in a real mess. My ideas were: Oats/Fruit for breakfast instead…
    in Camping Comment by HC82 June 2012
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