

  • LOL, I could only eat power bars with my youngest (morning sickness) His favorite food as a toddler were yep, you guessed it Power bars. I'm talking the original grow in your mouth like liver power bars :)
  • I've upped my calories to 1401 and just upped again today to 1450. This is very difficult for me but I totally get the concept about my metabolism in slooooow mooootion! I want to lose it like sha4sure "yesterday". I do not think it is unrealistic to lose my weight by August 20-25 lbs but I just need some help wrapping my…
  • Hey Lil! I thought this was over, but I have to say it sure has helped me stay on track! Thanks for starting this group, I have been hiking 3 miles a day m-f and lifting 2-3 days a week. I intend to increase to 7 days per week to meet the calories in calories burn more closely. I'm only at 1362 for my burn so far today…
  • OMG, just read your post we could be twins! weight wise :) I just posted the exact same thing well almost, check my timeline and you can jump to the post. DO NOT LOWER your calories! I was at 1200 for a year and did not lose. I have been active and currently workout 6-7 days cardio in addition to 2-3 days upper body…
  • I have a similar issue if anyone can chime in and help I will LOVE you so much! I am 5'7" at 163lbs. Daughter is getting married in August would like to be 135 and just started planning a first trip ever to Hawaii in May MFP had me at 1300 calories but one of my pals mentioned MBR and Fat2Fitradio. After listening to…
  • Day 17: Hike Miles: 3.16 Calories 390 time: 51 min shaved off 6 min and added .15 miles for a new pace record :)
  • Day 15 01/21/13 Beach walk not as fast if I were alone but still great exercise!
  • did an hour of fast paced walking in back yard. logged over 3 miles! double days are tuff,
  • Day 11 01/17/13 OK so I made up for day 10 Today I completed: 40 min of weight training (details in exercise log) Treadmill: 2.03 miles 229 calories 35.38 minutes! So it may progress may look choppy but I'm still day for day as I committed. As of today I'm back on sync of my promised 6 days a week! I thought I would get…
  • Day 10 01/16/13 looks like I fell down again really need to stay on top of that workout first thing in the morning before DH has a chance to sabatoge! going to need another make-up day and fitbit says I only got in 4951 steps? what the heck happened?
  • Day 9 01/15/13 started at the dentist then went for a long walk on the beach! 8.82 miles today, ended up making up for the skipped day!
  • Day 8 01/14/13 Rough day for me didn't get my work out done early and by nights end was just to long a day. RICA Argue with Sears and stand around waiting for repair man. Lesson: Don't procrastinate, just do it. Now I have to double up to catch up.
  • Day 7 I completed my weight training it takes roughly 40 min itemized under exercise log on MFP and my binder:)
  • I'm getting caught up on my logs here online. On the 6th day I rested.
  • Merry Meet Sweaty people! I just finished weight lifting, was going to not do legs as we will be on the bike trail today too. But I realized part of the legs includes the glutes. so I went back out to the garage and completed the extra 2 exercises. I feel so much better now. 45 min of weight training completed :) Have a…
  • Good for you getting back up on that bike. First time I rode I had to use my husbands, I let my daughter use mine. That was not a good idea it was too big and I ended up with surgery and two pins. But I would rather ride than walk I take Sheba and she rides in the basket. hmmmm Maybey tomorrow... Nawwww, my leggs need a…
  • I'm tired, going to take some aleeve. I know I was going 4-5 miles on the beach cause I took my music and I know how fast the beat is on the treadmill. Sheba kept up for the most part but when she looked tired on the bike trail I carried her so add 4 lbs to part of the 130 minutes :) I actually logged less I had to slow…
  • was that the 12 who each lost 100+? I thought of one of the girls tag lines next to her photo while on my morning treadmill run: I run for cookies :) I thought I may just change mine to say I run for potatoe chips and whip cream :D after I'm at goal of course
  • Miles 2.00 Calories 253 time 30.30 The warm up on the treadmill was killer then I kinda zoned into the music and pushed myself to finish fast :) I'm even tempted to do weights this afternoon any thoughts on giving it a day of rest? also with alternating days of 2 miles and weights do I really need my leg exercises?
  • I agree about the group it does help me get online here, I cannot access via my droid :( and the size does'nt really matter. Sometimes it's how its used :)
  • ok so I'm totally bummed, I know the weight training is going to help me lose weight but why does'nt it count towards calories?
  • well it took me forever however I finished my workout binder along with the exercise log for the bowflex. I may post pictures later if I figure it out :) I completed 13 exercises in approximately one hour now I will log in MFP you can see the individual exercises on my log :)
  • Yesterday I worked out on the bowflex and got in some weight training. couldnt believe I got in 45 min of training. however I like to rest one min in between sets so that makes it a little longer and it was my first time on the bowflex in 6 months :) This morning I'm printing out my workout from the manual in half pages. I…
  • my first goal is 14lbs I'm shooting for 2 lbs per week. I'm ready to check in with my exercise for the day do we have a thread for check in yet?
  • Hey Anna, yes, heart rate would def go up if I mowed the lawn. 300 calories thats great!
  • Ok, I'm in! do you take any day's off? I'm determined to lose weight and shape up however I also know if I over commit I set myself up for failure.I did 44 minutes yesterday and I'm headed out for 30 in about 10 minutes. I will commit to the group 6 days, then if I screw up I can add 10 min a day to catch up without…
  • Hi Sarah, I'm the mother of the bride and I need to lose too. I'm 5'7" and weigh 158lbs, my first goal is 145 I would love to be down to 130-135 but at my age I'm not sure it will look good. What is your target weight? I dont think I saw it in your post.
  • Please count me in, 12 weeks is around the date of my first goal :)