

  • It's obviously not for everybody - and yes, clearly everyone should speak with their own physician. My doctor said it would be better for my body in the long run to do something like this now and try to re-train my metabolism / eating habits / etc. Most people probably don't already have wacky metabolism - so they…
  • I would be way more concerned if I was already a skinny-minnie; but with 90 pounds total to lose I was just really in a place where I needed some results without screwing up my metabolism. I had an eating disorder as a teen and I'm sure that accounts in part for my weight problems now. I spoke with my Doctor and he said to…
  • Lori, Thanks for your input. I'm not eliminating carbs, I was meaning more like curbing cravings. For example, I've been really craving things that are horrendous for me (fried chicken, pizza, chocolate, etc). I was just wondering what others did to help ignore those silly pregnancy cravings. I personally don't believe…
  • I'm so glad you made your 1/2 way point. You've done fantastically. Maybe getting some of those 'fat' pictures and glancing through them would assist with ending your slump? Also - try getting up early to work out. I'm always more likely to do it if i get up first thing and force myself.
  • Way to go! Just keep this little moment of bliss should the dreaded plateau come knockin'!
  • I think it depends on your neighborhood and where you're headed on the bike. I have a mountain bike (very heavy!) that I have tried riding to the college campus. It's a hilly 2 miles and I can make it but with a backpack it's not time effective for me. Do test runs around town - see where you can get in what amount of time…
    in Bicycling Comment by clarkcj July 2009
  • Hummus & pita slices can just be pulled out of the fridge first thing in the morning. If you'll invest in a lunch bag and a freezer 'cool it' pack then you can take just about anything you want. I'm gone from 7 am until 9 pm with classes / work during the semster. I've successfully packed lunch & dinner in a small lunch…
  • I'm 228 right now. I'm wearing 13-15. At 245 I was wearing 18. I'm 5 ft 8 and a little bit
  • Let me know how you go with the pouch business. I haven't had a baby - i just let myself get too heavy and how I have a bit of a 'kangaroo pouch' myself. I'm hoping that I can tighten it up - at least it doesn't hang (I feel so sorry for those poor women who have it down low - that must be so uncomforatable). Anyone have…
  • Don't despair: daily activities burn logs of calories. Look into walking during your lunch break, searching out just how many calories you spend cleaning your house, walking the dog, etc. Another great idea i've been using is slowly turning my daily walk into a daily run. Shift your walk/jog minutes 1 at a time until you…
  • I too am shooting for around 1,200 calories. I'm trying to expedite my weight loss so I am making a point of not eating my exercise calories. I'm also looking to go from 245 to 145 - so remember that your total loss and timeline will affect your numbers. Just remember: 1 Pound Body Fat = 3500 Calories Daily Metabolic Rate…
  • Sad update: apparently weighing on carpet as opposed to linoleum has a tremendous impact on my new scale. While I'm not as low as I thought I have officially lost 17 pounds of flab since May 1, 2009 when I was weighed at the Dr.'s office - so that is STILL great news to me even if I'm not quite down to 200 yet. Created by…
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter oh i forgot to use my ticker!