Eating Exercise Calories

tracyknaack Posts: 3
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Help!! I'm confused...I tried to get answers from other postings, which only made me more confused. I am new to this site so please help me understand. Here's the issue...It is recommended that I consume about 1340 calories per day. Since starting a couple of days ago, my calorie count has been between 1300 - 1350. I have also tried to keep my percentages close to 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat. This part I clearly understand.

Now...I workout 5 days per week. I do 60 minutes of cardio each day (for 5 days), in which I burn anywhere between 650 and 700 calories, per my heart monitor. I also do 60 minutes of strength training (about 4 to 5 days per week) where I burn around 300 calories. So each day I am burning anywhere from 950 - 1000 calories in exercise. I have NOT been eating these calories back. I have been strictly eating between the 1300 - 1340 daily. Is this bad??? If I eat the exercise calories will I creating a big enough deficit for weight loss???? I'm not really sure what to do...


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Most of us, I think, eat at least some of our exercise calories. I tend to eat most of them. If you're eating 1300 calories and burning 1000, you would be living off of 300 net calories. Your body just can not function on so few calories.
  • odm73
    odm73 Posts: 14 Member
    The calories goals etc that they give you are to keep you where you are only losing 1-2 lbs per week, which is supposed to be the healthy amount to lose. I think that is why they add those calories back that you burn off with exercise; so that it keeps you in that same weight loss range.
  • First of all - Congratulations on all your workout efforts!!! How in the world do you find time for all that?? :) I am new here too, but I assumed since the workout calories are subtracted from my total intake that I can eat them :) I feel like i'm still making a lot of progress.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Actually you are creating a huge deficit. If your setting on MFP are to loose 1lb per week you are already at a 500 calories deficit. If you are burning 1000 cals you have bumped you daily deficit up to 1500! Now this would probably be okay if you are morbidly obese or have more 80 pounds to lose. But tt is not recommended you have over 1000 calorie deficit w/o doctor's supervision.

    You can try eating at least half your exercise calories or spread them out so you eat a set amount every day (say 1800cals )
  • clarkcj
    clarkcj Posts: 18
    I too am shooting for around 1,200 calories. I'm trying to expedite my weight loss so I am making a point of not eating my exercise calories. I'm also looking to go from 245 to 145 - so remember that your total loss and timeline will affect your numbers. Just remember:

    1 Pound Body Fat = 3500 Calories

    Daily Metabolic Rate = Calories your body uses just being alive

    Daily Calories Consumed - [Metabolic + Exercise] = Net Daily Calories

    So, for example on my diet:

    1,200 Daily Calories Consumed
    1,800 Daily Metabolic Rate
    500 Workout Calories Burned

    1200 - [1800 + 5000]
    1200 - 2300 = -1100

    That means my net calories for the day is a negative 1,100.

    Obviously the math isn't always exact. I can't plan on losing +2 pounds per week as my body adjusts, plateaus, etc. Some days I feel hungier than my allotted 1200 calories - no biggie - with 1,100 to burn an extra banana here, granola bar there, or slim fast shake is not a big deal. I eat when I'm hungry, make sure I never feel faint or light headed, and just try to be sensible about fat content and sugars within my calorie total.

    So - given your numbers:

    1350 Daily Calories Consumed
    650 Workout Calories Burned
    ? Metabolic Rate

    If your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is 700 or higher then you're breaking even or ending the day with negative net calories. That's great - negative calories are what help you burn off that 3500 calories in 1 pound of body fat!

    Hope this clarifies what you were looking for!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Eat if you're hungry. I don't eat my exercise calories unless I'm really hungry which is sometimes the case. You'll hear both ways work on here.
  • Thanks everyone for your valuable advice!!!! This really helps alot!!
  • LOL....I a teacher that's why I have all the extra time to work out. When school starts again I probably won't have the energy. Middle schoolers drain you of a lot of energy..LOL
  • clarkcj
    clarkcj Posts: 18
    Don't despair: daily activities burn logs of calories. Look into walking during your lunch break, searching out just how many calories you spend cleaning your house, walking the dog, etc. Another great idea i've been using is slowly turning my daily walk into a daily run. Shift your walk/jog minutes 1 at a time until you can jog the full 15, 20, 30 minutes. If you start out 1 minute jog to 4 minutes walking and then shift to 2-3, 3-2, 4-1 - you'll be there in a month!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    LOL....I a teacher that's why I have all the extra time to work out. When school starts again I probably won't have the energy. Middle schoolers drain you of a lot of energy..LOL

    Tell me about it- I live with one. I can't imagine dealing with hundreds of them on a daily basis.
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