srustin Member


  • I have friends that squeeze fresh lemon in salted popcorn. They learned that on the mission field in Mexico. It certainly adds a change of scenery for air popped corn and it is low cal!-)
  • Start now and don't quit!
  • I am 5'8" and have to work hard on my pace and stride to run just over 8 min miles. At 4'9", your strides per mile will be high! You are working harder than most of the folks you will be running against. Just push for your best and enjoy it! I am currently hurt from over training to run in a local fund raiser and have only…
  • Hello, Glad you are listening to your body. I don't know enough about you to give you anything specific, but to say that the extra 30 pounds that your spoke of certainly make things harder on you! You are in the right place and as you get more comfortable to share your progress and challenges, the MyFitnessPals will come…
  • for me it is two things 1. probiotics and 2. water!
  • Don't weigh everyday! Keep the focus on your weekly or longer term goals! In my case, I need to shock the body with extra from time to time to not let it get settled into a certain maintenance mode. Keep it guessing and don't loose sight of your bigger picture! If you do blow it, be honest and put it down (good, bad, and…
  • I am eating a piece of zucchini bread as I type! My wife uses sugar and Stevia to help with calories. She put in Walnuts for flavor and protein. You will normally have to work a recipe around a little to your taste. Good luck!
  • I am with you in your situation! I actually increased my calorie intake this past week and lost 1.5 lbs. I have a new hope for reaching my goals! Make sure you are eating enough and that you don't get so static with you intake that your body adapts to living as this is your new normal. Keep things moving around so your…
    in Help!! :( Comment by srustin July 2012
  • Be careful with you body! Be active, but running is not the only answer. I started running at the age of 45 (now 47) and did my first 5k in 28.52 and my last one in 25.24. I was running 10 to 15 miles a week and started pushing for 24 min as a goal. Instead I started having IT band pain (Iliotibial band syndrome ITBS or…
  • Congratulations on your decision! How many days to your birthday? Is see all the luck you are wished and I would add, "the harder you work, the luckier you get"!