80 pounds to lose quickly. Any suggestions

I'm currently weighing in at 248 and would like to lose about 80 pounds. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can lose the weight, preferably quickly? I know that slow and steady wins the race but I don't want to lose my motivation with slow weight loss and stay at this weight for another year.


  • I can't offer any suggestions for quick easy weight loss that's permanent. If I could I wouldn't be on MFP myself with 95 pounds to lose. I've done all the quick fixes, the fads, and the newest diet phenomenons. The work great to start, then they stall and you eventually give up only to put what you lost back on plus another 10 if not more pounds. I'm determined this time to do this the right way and make it last for the rest of my life. Slow and steady wins the race hands down every time.

    Good luck. Stay Strong and Don't give up!
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    Eat 280,000 calories below your maintenance level. Divide that 280,000 calories by however "quickly" you want to lose the weight.....
    Seriously though if you eat just 769 calories below your maintenance each day for a year, the 80 pounds will be gone.
    I have said maintenance twice, and that's the key. You have to know what your maintenance calories are. Start with a calculator (there are plenty online) to figure your BMR and TDEE and eat 769 calories below your maintenance and adjust as needed, but give it time (at least a few weeks) before you make any adjustments to calories.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    audition for Biggest Loser TV Show...
  • Corkline
    Corkline Posts: 107
    Sell your car, get a bike, and start biking or walking everywhere.

    Seriously, though, massive amounts of low impact cardio and reasonable food choices, and stay at your tdee, and it will come off.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I can't offer any suggestions for quick easy weight loss that's permanent. If I could I wouldn't be on MFP myself with 95 pounds to lose. I've done all the quick fixes, the fads, and the newest diet phenomenons. The work great to start, then they stall and you eventually give up only to put what you lost back on plus another 10 if not more pounds. I'm determined this time to do this the right way and make it last for the rest of my life. Slow and steady wins the race hands down every time.

    Good luck. Stay Strong and Don't give up!

    This is great advice.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    In the beginning you might lose some of it quickly, but then it will slow down. Hopefully you will have lost enough to keep you motivated by then.

    To help lose it... you should do cardio and some weights.. Weights is the key..
  • AliceAsya
    AliceAsya Posts: 21 Member
    You could cut off a leg?

    (sorry, that's not helpful, but I couldn't help myself. There's no healthy way to lose that amount of weight "quickly". You didn't put the weight on overnight, you won't lose it overnight. Good luck!)
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    I can't offer any suggestions for quick easy weight loss that's permanent. If I could I wouldn't be on MFP myself with 95 pounds to lose. I've done all the quick fixes, the fads, and the newest diet phenomenons. The work great to start, then they stall and you eventually give up only to put what you lost back on plus another 10 if not more pounds. I'm determined this time to do this the right way and make it last for the rest of my life. Slow and steady wins the race hands down every time.

    Good luck. Stay Strong and Don't give up!

    Excellent advice!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    I'm currently weighing in at 248 and would like to lose about 80 pounds. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can lose the weight, preferably quickly? I know that slow and steady wins the race but I don't want to lose my motivation with slow weight loss and stay at this weight for another year.
    Cut off a leg. If not that, then you could starve yourself too.

    Realistically, if you lose your motivation to lose, then you need reassess on why you are trying to lose weight in the first place.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    audition for Biggest Loser TV Show...

    Quit your job, eat grass and shakes all day, and live in the gym.. That weight will drop.. of course you will be skinny, but your body fat will be 50%.

    Slow and steady = healthy and sometimes permanent
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    A scalpel.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member

    Here you go!!! I know you want to lose it fast. We all do. Doesn't work. Never will. You might lose the 80 pounds super fast, but you'll be left with flabby hanging skin. You'll be skinny fat! Doesn't that sound grand? Follow the road map. Do it right this time and you will never, ever, have to ask for suggestions again.

    It has taken me over 10 months to lose 65 pounds. It's off and I'm still going. Eating well. Lifting heavy. Going slow. Losing fat and feeling wonderful and STRONG! This time last year I was where you are. This time next year? I hope to be at goal. Hope you make the right decision.

    ETA: Motivation is all on you. ALL on you. I had to change my mindset from " I need to lose weight and be skinny" to " I need to eat healthy, eat enough to fuel my workouts, and lift weights to reshape my body." I don't focus on weight - I focus on doing what's right for my health.
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    I can't offer any suggestions for quick easy weight loss that's permanent. If I could I wouldn't be on MFP myself with 95 pounds to lose. I've done all the quick fixes, the fads, and the newest diet phenomenons. They work great to start, then they stall and you eventually give up only to put what you lost back on plus another 10 if not more pounds. I'm determined this time to do this the right way and make it last for the rest of my life. Slow and steady wins the race hands down every time.

    Good luck. Stay Strong and Don't give up!

    Excellent advice!

    I concur! You would be selling yourself short to learning a new lifestyle and the journey to get there! Good luck and best wishes!
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    Who is in charge or your motivation? You are.
    You have to own your willpower, take responsibility for your decision. Become a mature person.

    Running around doing things, because 'you know' , you are 'too weak of character' to do it the way you know is the 'right way', means you have more than simply issues with your weight.

    Having to lose weight might be the best thing to ever happen to you, it might help you become a stronger person throughout your life. I hope so anyway. You should consider working on more than your weight. Self development is important. Your character and mentality is important.

    This is just my crazy opinion.
  • srustin
    srustin Posts: 12 Member
    Start now and don't quit!
  • Being 248, you'll probably see/feel results fairly quickly initially. And although that immediate loss will slow down, use it as your motivation to keep going when it does slow down.
  • THIS:

    http://www.myfitness pal.com/topics/show/848098-540-days-of-weight-loss
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    Not to bash you too but if it were so easy don't you think the entire world would be thin? Sadly, you must pay your dues like the rest of us. This is NOT a diet but a lifestyle change. Eat healthy food, portion control and move your body.
    I wish you luck.