

  • I go to the gym every day alone. I feel better that way. I get to put on my headphones and listen to the music and get to set my reps to the beat, or set my walk/run to the beat. I find when I have to go to the gym with someone else, they always end up canceling and it gives me a reason to cancel myself. or I don't get to…
  • this whole week has been bad for me. It has to be the humidity or something. it's killing me! Im really diligent in planning my meals the night before, preparing them and packing extra snacks like nuts, dry toast, orange slices, dried fruit, etc.... always things that I can snack on that I can stomach when Im too miserable…
  • W1D3 today for me I started W1D1 with ALOT of shin pain, but bought fantastic running sneakers and the pain was gone. It was well work the investment. Today I had a lot of knee pain. I put 4 days between 1-2, but only 2 days between 2-3. I think I over did it. I pushed through the pain and completed anyway, and cried all…
    in W2D1 Comment by greenkarla June 2012
  • OMG!! THANK YOU!!!! This site if fantastic!
  • I don't have any of those songs!!! THANKS!!!! I can see I'll be doing a little downloading tonight. lol
  • I felt exactly the same way. I've been doing this for two weeks, and I felt like an idiot eating so much. Im use to eating less than 1000 calories per day!!! Other people talk about eating more than 6000 and 7000 calories, and I don't know how to relate! Last week I lost 1lb, only to regain it this week. I honestly didn't…
  • NEW BRUNSWICK CANADA originally from Newfoundland, Canada
  • Thank you!!!! Because of you, and because of this thread, I've downloaded the C25K app, and Im excited to get to the gym tomorrow to start!!! I don't think I would have ever considered running if it wasn't for you, your motivation, and your success to date!!!! Your goals are goals for us all!!
  • I spent summer 2010 eating Nutella with slices of apple everyday.. omg it's awesome! If you''ve ever had apples and peanut butter, this is 1000x better. too bad I put on 10-15lbs that summer. LOL. I never bought a jar after.
  • 38 year old canadian female 5'6" Starting weight = 238lbs (last week) 1st Goal weight = 200 2nd goal weight = 155 Single mom of a 10yr old boy with Celiac Disease
  • At this point I don't know anymore. I feel like I've been dieting and exercising forever, with no results. I just changed things up once again, but Im so discouraged and hopeless at this point that I guess all Im trying to accomplish is some energy. My new workouts are making me so tired, so Im waiting to get over that…
  • OMG! That sounds fantastic! I wish I could run a 5k. I wish I could run 5 minutes. Congrats on your loss! Keep up the good work!!
  • I actually really enjoy my sandwiches with hummus, whether it be turkey, chicken, etc. It doesn't have to be kept cold/warm! now that it's HOT summer, I have great meals that are in the fridge overnight that I leave in the car during the morning. when I come out at lunch, their toasty warm. :) A great lunch idea that can…
  • I have the same problem. I was with a trainer for 6months with only a 3lb weightloss. I never ate more than 1000cal per day. I can NEVER eat more than that. It makes me want to vomit. I tried shakes. it takes me 3hrs to drink a shake, and Im full for the whole 3hrs plus an hour after. Im adding cranberries and almonds to…