

  • How about ice skating? I LOVED ice hockey out on the lakes when I lived in Maryland. Even at a skating rink. It's a great leg, back and butt workout.... When it's too cold to ride here in NC, I workout in my garage either jumping rope, or cycling with a "trainer" that I can prop my back tire up on and "ride" in the garage.…
  • thanks guys.... I'm going to have to wean myself off of it. If I give it up cold turkey, someone is going to die.... :)
  • My office is the same way.... Birthdays, client meetings, gifts from vendors... (cookies.) and the list goes on. I've gotten better, but it's hard. I get into my office at 6:30am and often times there will be a "breakfast" event at 9am. In the past, that meant I would eat 2 breakfasts.... Not this year.
  • One week into the new "me" and I went 5 of 7 nights with no LNS. Dropped 6 pounds (lots of additional exercise for me during the week) so I am planning on 6 of 7 nights this week... ;)
  • Thanks guys. Great tips here...
  • For me, it's Rice and Potatoes. CARBS!!! I could eat them at every meal. Hell, I could HAVE them as every meal. Love them. (hate brown rice, btw...) Yech!
  • I'm aiming to lose 40 lbs... 3.5 lbs down.... 36.5 to go
  • I usually pack the basil in pretty tight. You can always add more olive oil, etc... to thin out the basil....
  • For pesto, they are talking about a cup of fresh basil (leaf part.) FYI, I make my homemade pesto with sunflower seeds, instead of pine nuts. (Sunflower seeds are about $1.99/lb.... pine nuts are $8.99/lb....) Same texture and consistency using sunflower seeds instead of pine nuts.