susanna97 Member


  • Someone left a delicious-looking cake in the kitchen at work. I was tempted for a few minutes, but after I got back to my desk I forgot all about it. A few weeks ago, I would have been thinking about it all afternoon.
  • Breakfast: 1 piece of toast with peanut butter and a smoothie (frozen berries, coconut milk, orange juice, chia seeds) Lunch: turkey sandwich on pita, sugar snap peas, carrots, grapes Afternoon snack: string cheese, almonds mixed with raisins Dinner: quesadilla with black beans and salsa I've still got ~250 calories to…
  • The tacos sound delicious! I haven't heard of ono. I'll have to look for that on my next shopping trip. Thanks!
  • It's usually both the taste and the smell. I'm okay with the texture when I can pretend it's just really flaky chicken!
  • Same here! I used to eat a big bowl of it most nights for dinner and not think anything of it. Now I try not to have it very often, and I'm always sad when I see what an actual serving size looks like on my plate.