

  • my bad u can ignore the one above. its just my pix and a pic of stacey dash some ppl think we look alike but i dont see it. but you all can ignore that
  • ahhh i have about 1400 calories to consume and im always eating way under or way over and then when i finish it always says if everyday was like today you would weigh 151 whatever in 5 weeks or youd gain 140 somethin in 4wks. i guess im doing horrible cause i want to be 130 by augst and august is in 2 wks.ahhhhh!!!! idk…
  • hahaha ok im done for today. i did 45 sec thats it. wow i need to get back into shape. o my:embarassed: Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • awwww im horrible i cant do it i shake!!!!! mine was for 51 sec. im trying again. best outa three i guess
  • dang im way late on this but i wana play!!!!! can i play :cry:
  • i cant help eating stuff with suger. you know for the longest time i thought nature valley bars was healthy untill i looked at the nutriention thing. and then i logged it in and i went way over my calories and stuff goal and all i ate today was spaghetti alittle ziti and the 4 gronal bars did it.
  • thanks guys!!!:smile:
  • im not losing weight and im gainig inches but i exercise everyday and eat healthier then i usually eat. sometimes i dont eat. i dont understand im getting no where just gaining inches in my hips and neck and lost like 1 inch in my waist!!!!!!!!!!!no!!!!!:explode: :noway:
  • hey im new here as well i just signed up today. i wouldnt say that im over weight or anything its just i had a baby and my weight has been going up and down and i am very insecure bout how i look so i was told if i dont like what i see do something about it.:ohwell: Created by - Free Calorie Counter