2run2ski Member


  • Cocteau Twins: album -- Heaven or Las Vegas
  • So, the weight loss is fabulous; but, I think the insights you've gained are the best. Congratulations and thanks for sharing! :smile:
  • Challenge 1: Turkey trot/5k/10k/marathon Walked my 5k last night... in the dark... in the cold... in the....snow (lol...just flurries!) :) DONE Challenge 2: Train like a Rockette x 3 1. Heel Flick Walks 2. Butt Kicks 3. Power-Up (Lunge Knee-Up and Step) 4. Kick Start (Hamstring Scoop): 5. Back Pedal 6. Soldier Walks…
  • Sounds good! I have a hard time with protein powder's texture... -- how's your brand?
  • Once we watch all 8 videos, can we count the activity minutes? (rounding up I tallied it to 16 minutes)
  • @Rus: Thanks for posting the link... I don't know why this week wouldn't work for me... @2016summerfun: I was a bit gutted, too. But, I'm up and at 'em for this week! :) @jackiep248: happy doggies!
  • @MzManiak: Yeah, I hear you on the videos... (and thanks for posting an easy format to report our progress! :smile: ) Challenge 1: 2.6 mi completed tonight. With the "super moon" out, we thought a night hike would be a fun idea. We weren't disappointed! It was relatively warm, barely any wind, and so, so bright because of…
  • Oh dear, I didn't mean for us to be scolded... I was just worried that I was going to be accused of changing my numbers (i.e., cheat). My apologies... :( @my_butt: What a horrible experience for you. I'm sorry to bring that memory back to the forefront of your thoughts...
  • So, I'm signing in very late today. I went to post my numbers, and I guess someone took the few numbers that I actually entered into MFP and entered them? I didn't enter all my figures this week into MFP (not a good week for logging)... so, I corrected what was entered. VERY scary thing happened on my ride today. I was out…
  • I finished challenges this morning. I won't be back home until tonight when I might get a few more minutes cardio. I'll enter my cardio for the week tonight or tomorrow (it isn't anywhere near what it's been... life is back to normal!).
  • @Miami: Is that your dad/uncle/grandfather? (My uncle, granddad, and grandmom are buried in Arlington.) I'm grateful to all who have served or are currently serving! I wish I could go to the local Veteran's Day parade today to show my support... I am amazed how hard jumping rope is now. I remember doing it for hours ---…
  • Hey Team! I'm traveling to the Reef with you even though you haven't heard from me! Looks like everyone is doing so well! :) Challenge 1 - Jump Rope (so far, 10 piddly minutes... ) Challenge 2 - Total Arm work out (1 of 3) Challenge 3 - Eat multi-colors: Day 1: red pepper (red), potato (white), eggplant (purple), cilantro…
  • Hey there, Team 1! I'm from Team 5 and I just want to extend a friendly hand shake (or, rather, in honor of this week -- a bow) to our worthy competitors. Our teams may be neck and neck, but really, ALL the teams are accomplishing so much! We could light a city with all the energy being expended! Hope you all have a great…
  • Oh, yay! I just realized that this Challenge begins on Monday; so, my bad eating on Sunday night (the 23rd ) doesn't count! :)
  • You're more kind, B3achy. I was thinking Old Fart Fivers unite! :) I was 7 in 1975 but Rocky Horror Picture Show was in full cult status during high school and college. In fact, our team spirit cheer/dance at cross-country ski meets was the Time Warp! Let me tell you...we got people's attention! lol Funny memory...hadn't…
  • Kate Bush: Running Up That Hill https://youtube.com/watch?v=wp43OdtAAkM
  • @RaeBeeBaby: I went back to the video...Watch the blanket in front of the middle cushion... He is BREATHING! ROTFL! You can imagine the conversation prior to recording the video and the wife then plopping the pillow on top of his head... :)
  • Hilarious!! I can totally picture this! Too bad you don't have a video to post! lol :)
  • If you choose to delete a post within the hour, is there a way to do it? I keep getting: "Body is required"
  • I'm sorry you lost your granddad. It's normal to not feel like doing anything after receiving such an emotional punch. Take care of yourself and your family in whatever way feels best for you. If that includes some exercise, great! If it doesn't, don't worry about it---the desire to train will come back. Losing those we…
  • Challenge #1: “Let’s Say Halló in Iceland!” @MissionEnforcer -- I've sent friend requests to all and I have heard back from all. The following is a partial repost with added facts about Maine (trying to qualify for those pts): I live in Maine --- specifically downeast Maine (which refers to a particular area on the coast…
  • Someone on Fab Fives, please answer this question: What do I need to say to get my 10 pts for Challenge #1? (It was complete earlier this week)
  • You look beautiful in both photos -- now you look fit & trim! Congrats on all your hard work! :)
  • Also, how are you coming up with calories burned? If you're using the MFP numbers, they can be wrong (sometimes high, sometimes low). If possible, get a HR monitor to track your calories burned. Don't give up! You just need to tweak a few things and you'll start losing. The key, though, is to keep going! :) You can do it!
    in Pissed Comment by 2run2ski October 2016
  • No worries! Rest well and feel better soon! :) @captainboing. Two birds plan sounds good! What's the book?
  • Sometimes nuts go bad --- I don't think you'll get sick. What a bummer, though! Just the other day I had a yucky peanut! Except for the foul taste, all was well. Sometimes you can look at the nuts and the gross ones are a slightly different texture or color...
  • Do we have to tag MissionEnforcer more than once to say our friends list is complete? @CaptainBoing and @Jackiep248: I laugh as you recount your drumming... I know my experience will be similar! :) @Jackiep248: Oh, what we do for our pets! lol @Rusgolden: Are you having a nice vacation?
  • Okay, so I said I didn't care about the name of the team. I've changed my mind. I like Fab Five! :) If I understand the exercise tally, I can count stretching, weights, and cardio. So, I did 196 minutes (not my norm!). 26 weights; 40 stretch; the rest cardio. I put it on the spreadsheet; if I'm wrong about how to tally…
  • Hellooooooo Team Five! I just had a grand ol' time reading all these posts! I laughed out loud many times--- so glad my 'mates have a sense of humor. :) @MiamiSeoul : My heart goes out to you for losing dear Bella. I love my pets DEARLY so I relate to your devastation. She was greatly blessed to have you as a mom. Talk…