

  • i took someones advice once and bought myself a target outfit ( an outfit that was a little tight when i bought it but with some determination would be the dress to get into.) well i tried so hard to get into the dress i now hate the dress, because it was so much hard work to get into it. i actually went to wear it to a…
  • try buying the weight watchers brand of bread, you can have 2 slices for very low calories, or there wraps or pita's or thinsations. I dont even buy regular bread anymore, because i know i can still have bread with buyin the weight watchers one, it doesnt taste any different, maybe its cut a little skinnier. you can find…
  • why not weigh it cooked thats how your eating it, and like others say, make sure it says cooked in the database.:happy:
  • That is great news. It is nice to know your body still loves you after you think yo uwere so bad to it all weekend. You probably burnt the extra calories rolling down the hill lol. I know when i have had a bad weekend and still lost, my mind has thought wow this is awesome i can eat what i want and lose still. well it…
  • I am beaming after reading everyones responses!! woohoo!!:happy:
  • thanks that helps :)
  • Are you working out on the days that are higher calories?
  • I dont lose any weight either when i go to the gym, i went regularily and did cardio for 7 weeks 4 - 5 times a week. I stopped working out for 2 weeks and lost 8 lbs i was so floored. my body hadnt had time to properly recover for me to shed the weight. this just baffles me. maybe u need to give your body a few days of…
  • I have been excersizing, I have a fitbit that logs my calories burned, lately it hasnt been syncing to my computer ugh.. i want to do something that i can keep doing forever and counting calories i can do. counting points not so much. right now i am on jenny craig and im so tired of having to buy there food, i just want to…